Tuesday, 18 October 2016

What a day, well done me

I dropped GO off at work, came home and marked some of E writing books.  In the future I expect it will be a long and tedious job but as they aren't writing muh they take about five minutes to mark.  I did a load of washing, cooked tea, and did the dishes all before 10am.  I then checked my emails the English Coord was available to give feedback on our books (a cold flash ran through my body).  I wasn't feeling confident.
I got to school, heard eight children read, did some handwriting, practised then delivered our Thankfulness assembly. 
Got my feedback from Lit Coord, and it was quite positive.  The areas for development, I have already put into place )using my professional judgement).
As we finished quite quickly (her dog had gone into labour, eight puppies), I decided to go home.
I had planned to go for a run, but as it was a dry and not too cold an evening, pulled into an carpark and went for a walk along the canal.  It was lovely being out in the fresh air. As I got home I decided that as I was in such a good mood I'd do my run too.

Today may actually be the most productive day I have ever had.  Well done me.

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