A Blink - 2013
Well 2013 was the year I became an official Murray, after planning the wedding for nearly two years, we finally got married. I had such a great day and thoroughly enjoyed myself. As I don't think I will get married again (although you should never say never) I have decided to have two blinks, one dedicated totally to our special day.
And another blink dedicated to a wedding less 2013, if that is possible...

A Blink - 2014
2014 was the year I came back to life, I had handed in my notice and begun to live again. We went on day trips, had a laugh and just remembered why we were so well suited. 2014 was the year I had my ovarian drilling, here's to the future and all it holds.
A Blink - 2015
2015 was a busy year in the Murray house, we made the monumental decision to finally leave the Southern (S) Shire and to try our luck in the Northern (N) Shire. All things being considered it will either make us or break us. We have loved the S Shire and will definitely be back for a visit.
A Blink - 2016
The year we moved up North and started building a life for ourselves. We have started new jobs and made new friends. It hasn't been easy and there were time when we thought we had made a big mistake, but the opportunities and lifestyle we now have outweigh any wobbles we may have had.
A Blink - 2017
What a year, I think we definitely found our Mojo, we continued to explore the Northern shire, and found amazing things to see and do. Our passion for walking intensified and we took ourselves off on a little adventure on the German railway.
A Blink - 2018
We celebrated 5 years of marriage with another visit to Edinburgh (we go every 5 years), we took Mamilein out to celebrate her 70th birthday, and bought a house!
A Blink - 2019
We moved into out very own house in Lancashire and to celebrate we booked a three week road trip around Canada and The U.S. We saw some amazing sights and have made memories that will last a life time.
A Blink - 2020
Covid 19, need I say more? Ginger One was furloughed, I taught online and in real life, trying to keep myself free from the virus. G.O got bored and started looking at things online (not like that, get you mind out of the gutter). He sent and email, took a phone, arranged a visit and before we knew it we had been approved as foster carers.
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