Tuesday, 25 October 2016

The day that nearly didn't happen

On the way back from a tutoring session that made me feeling ever so slightly guilty (£35 and all I did was make a paper Elsa model) GO suggested we go to York the next day.  We're both on holiday this week and need to fill our days with stuff.
As lovely as it has been to chill out at home now that we have out own place, occasionally it feels like all we do is work, eat, chill, sleep.

As we went to bed GO complained that he was tired because I had woken him up early.  I needed to do some school work so I got up at the usual time.  Conscious of this I lay in bed until I knew he was awake, do I wouldn't get the "credit" for being up first.  It was then that I realised that is was ten am and I needed to have a shower.

"Let's do York tomorrow." Came the sleepy statement next to me.  I've been here before I thought, if we don't go today we will never go and York looked lovely.

So I bounced out of bed, showered and was ready to go in under twenty minutes, a world record for me.

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