Tuesday, 22 July 2014


After an uneventful trip I have arrived in the motherland, Deutschland.
As I came through customs who was there to welcome me?  No one, we had arrived half an hour early and I had beaten my parents to the airport, which is a first in the fifteen years I have been making this trip.
After the customary hugs and chit chat about how great it was that my parents didn't need to pay for parking, my mum announces she is hungry and we make a pit stop in the local McDonalds, no Big Mac it McRib for me, oh no, I have a craving for McNugggets with Sweet and Sour sauce, you can't get suss sauer sauce anywhere!
Then were off, two hours bombin along the Autobahn and then we'll be home.  
Although you never know where you will stop off on the way.

Miss G.O but it's lovely I see mama and papa.

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