Saturday, 26 July 2014

Goedemorgen from the Orange Country

One of the benefits of living in the North West of Germany is the proximity to borders.  We can travel through France-Belgium-Netherlands and be in Germany in three hours.  Mama and papa live about 45minutes from Enschede.
Enschede is a busy little city, but the real jewel in the crown is the market.
While there we normally partake in some liquorice, windbolle, chocolates and never leave without flowers.
Without a doubt we never leave without having a portion of Garnellen from one of the fish stalls in the market.

Deep fried crayfish with a yummy garlic sauce.
Today out eyes were a little bit big for our bellies, as we ordered two large portions.
After only four pieces, I could eat no more.  I don't know what's wrong with me.
Mum had the "best" idea, she wrapped up the leftover crayfish and put them in her bag to "save" for later.  Then the sum came out and it got hotter and hotter, I'll let you figure out what happened when we pulled the bag out at the supermarket.

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