Wednesday, 23 July 2014

What are we doing today?

Every morning in Buende it's the same question, "what are we doing today?" The response is always the same, "what do YOU want to do today?"  Normally I'm quite chilled and will go wherever mum wats to go but today my response was "anywhere air conditioned!"
I have never been a sun worshipper I have always preferred the cooler/frozen seasons and have always struggled I regulate my body temperature (PCOS?) These past few weeks however, I have been glowing like buggery.  I step out of the shower and I'm already dripping, they say that if you are sweating then your body is working properly, but this is ridiculous.
So off we go to Werre Park, not the biggest or most dynamic I shopping experiences, but I love it.  It has everything I need under one air conditioned roof; C&A, Edeka, and an Eis Cafe. 

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