Friday, 12 October 2018

It’s only 8.22 and I need a nap

How’s your day going?  Yes I know it’s not even half eight on a Saturday. 

I’ve been up since half six 😤 (needed a wee) so I decided to make a coffee, I made a tassimo it, it smelled divine, I went to add sugar but added instant coffee instead 🙄.  

Made myself another coffee, snuggled up in bed, thought to myself this is an Insta worthy
moment (such a ponce) but came to my senses and put the phone down.  I was just snuggling down catching up on JenBenz’s South American travels when I  took a sip of the coffee and spilled it all over myself and the duvet (brand new duvet and my barginous Laura Ashley cover) 😡 so I’ve changed the sheets.  I’ve only been awake two hours...

I need a rest now!

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