Friday, 9 October 2015

Paraben Free

Following a conversation with Mamilein I'm am now pretty much paraben free.

Mamilein has take to watching science and documentary programmes.  I regularly get told to watch it, she hasn't quite grasped that I can't watch German TV in England.  I have managed to subscribe to and follow the shows on Facebook.  One day we were discussing her desperate need for a grandchild (I'm trying) and she mentioned a show where they had been discussing that parabens in everyday products could/were affecting fertility.  Which made me think of it is true, it is quite a small change for us to make that could have huge consequences for our future.  So after lots of research, we are now 90% paraben free in our house.  The only Issues I've had is my face, it can't cope with paraben free products so I have stuck with classic Nivea.  Everything else we use is now paraben free and while I haven't noticed any changes, yet, I feel happy in the knowledge that I am living a cleaner, healthier and safer life.

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