Thursday, 1 February 2018

I think I’m broken

After all of these years and schools I think this one has actually broken me. With one phrase they have done what no other school has managed to do (no matter how hard they tried),  I don’t want to be a teacher anymore.  I want to work with children, or maybe not. This could be exciting but actually I feel sad, I know I am a good teacher but I am not a teacher who can cope with this new education system.  Children are numbers and lines on a graph, lessons must meet the standards of who ever is watching/monitoring, no SLT has the same expectation (what’s good for one is hideous to another).  Schools aren’t nice places to be, teachers aren’t trusted to do their jobs.  You spend the day on a knifes edge jumping every time the door opens wondering who/what will happen next.  I could cope with this if only I didn’t remember how it used to be, how much fun and freedom we had.  How we laughed.  I miss those days.  What was it they said?  “It doesn’t matter how much work the rest of the school have put in, if Ofsted came in you would fail the school!”  

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