Saturday, 10 June 2017

Long way for a barbecue, but worth it

I picked up Lemanie late, I had slept in and wasn't ready to leave when I had planned, then I arrived at her house to find the sat nav on my phone had taken me to the house she lived in years ago.  By the time I got to her house we were almost two hours late setting off and we had another three hours to go to get to the house warming.
Three hours on the M1 usually drags but three hours with one of my most favourite people who I hadn't seen in too long was great.  We caught up on each others lives and reminisced about the good days in PRS and how Facebook made ten years feel like five minutes.  I does help that I have the ability to carry on a conversation years later without a thought for the passing of time. 
The barbecue was lovely, it was nice to meet up with people that I hadn't actually talked to in such a long time, life does have a way of rushing past in the blink of an eye.  We made promises to meet up again soon somewhere more central now that we mostly all lived up North.  What made me laugh was that it was almost six years to the day from Lelly's last barbecue and the last time I saw Clairebear and Jodes (who couldn't make this event).
The last time we saw each other was at Helen's wedding, I love finding old photos and using them.

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