Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Don't ask

It's that time of year again, I don't want to do it but it comes with the territory.

The bane of all teachers lives, they are a killer to write, they take up all of your free time and are just a snap shot of a child's life.  

I have "lost" days of my life to report writing for what?  

For the parent who reads the report and laughs "who were you writing about that's not my child!"  

Or the parent whose child was a mute when they arrived and leaves you as one of the most confident, popular littles girls and comments "she hasn't improved her writing what have you been doing?"  

Then there's the parent who tears up when reading the report and says "I knew he was just like his father, he has a temper too!"  
I don't write them for these parents, or the SLT or even the supportive parents "she has blossomed under your care, thank you."  

I write the report for the thirty or forty year old grown up who is sat in the attic looking back on school days and laughing about the time the most important thing in the world was to remember capital letters and full stops.
I love reading my old reports and giggleing about how I was very shy and quiet and needed to speak out a bit more.

For you guys I write these reports and giggle at how absurd education is today.  What strange world this is!

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