Monday, 29 August 2016

What is to come?

As my thirties draw to a close I can't help but ponder my life so far and think ahead to my future. 

My Childhood

I have an amazing childhood, while I don't really have any close friends from my childhood, I do have lots of memories of my family.  We were ways there for each other.  Each move, each new quarter, new school, new set of temporary friends, they were my constants.  We were/are a tight unit of four, although we have expanded now (probably a good thing) to a six+.  We are happiest when we are together, swapping stories, irritating each other and having fun.  We travelled the world together I went to school in Cyprus, Belgium, Germany, England and Canada.  I didn't excel as a student, always just getting by, I enjoyed school,  I enjoyed the creative aspects, the Friday afternoons when we would, sing, dance, cook, bake, make things and just spend time as a class having fun.  My report card/parents evening always said the same thing I was shy, quiet and needed to speak up more, I know that doesn't sound like me, but I had to start from somewhere. 

Teenage years

I hated being a teenager,  it wasn't cool to be a geek/nerd in 1990.  I was too English when I arrived in Canada (to be fair the briefcase I was holding probably didn't help matters) and I was to Canadian when I arrived in Germany (I got sick of being asked to say things just so people could hear my accent).  I always seemed to find my closest allies in the nerd squad, unfortunately their studious ways didn't really rub off on me.  I managed to keep my head just above the parapet in Junior High/Secondary school by being funny enough to get noticed but that loud to draw too much attention to myself.  Those who knew me knew that I was worth getting to know, funny, bubbly, kind, caring. Those who didn't bother, who couldn't see past my Deidre glasses and lack of a poodle perm, have for my at least faded into oblivion.  I have, through social media, managed to stay in touch with a few people from the teenage years.   My favourite story is about the girl (now mother of a sixteen year old) who should have/could have been a very good friend.  We lived nearby, we have lots of classes together, we travelled to school together everyday but for some reason she didn't like me (I wasn't, I am afraid to say a slapper, her friends were).  She made my life miserable, she would point out when my hair was a mess, when my clothes didn't match, she was just cruel.  The day of my maths GSCE she managed to get all of the other girls to start whispering about me.  I was sad, distracted and didn't do very well with my GCSE.  I never mentioned it, I just rose above and got on with things, I think it made the person I am today....  Nice.  Well karma is a bitch my dear, she has posted a lot recently on social media about the tough time her daughter has been having at school with bullies, and people judging her on superficial things.  Oh Karma, I do love you. xx

My Twenties

My twenties were all about the party.  I had such a good time in my twenties, I met people who I know will be life long friends.  I finally decided that I wanted to become a teacher and went back to school to get the qualifications I needed.  I studied at Christ Church University College, where I, just about, managed to get my Primary Education degree.  I had a great time at uni, I lived the typical student life.  I was not good at the exams but the essays and practical aspect were where I excelled.  Unfortunately I couldn't transfer that in to exam room success.  After uni I moved to London and for the next six years I had the time of my life, I met new and exciting people.  experienced things I never thought I would, visited countries and places had only read about.  I tried to meet the one, I tried blind dates (Moose), Random hook ups (Fireman Jon), Speed Dating (Emec) and online dating (Policeman Mark), all to varying but never lasting success.  I gave up on men and decided to have a break......

My Thirties

My thirties have been about meeting and falling in love with Stuart (Ginger One).  I have had the happiest of decades with him.  Together we have visited far flung places, fallen in love, moved in together, gotten married and made plans for our future family.  We moved up the country so that we can be close to a support network , for when we bring our little ones into the family. 

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