Friday, 1 July 2016

I've managed to convince people I am something that I'm not

Some how, without intending too I have managed to convince people that I am a runner.  Now if you know me then you know this could never be a thing.  It hurts to run, it burns, I don't feel any endorphins I just feel pain.
As I have previously mentioned I had to run the school fun run, no one else would and the children were falling left right and centre. So I ran behind literally picking them up and sending them on their way again.  Monday at school and they handed out the wards to all the winners, clap, clao, clap.  Then the teacher said "of you will all receive a certificate for taking part..."  To which i jumped in, for the laughs, with "don't forget me".
A few days later my stifikat arrived and proud as punch I took a photo and began sharing it with friends and family.  Most, actually all, of the responses were posive and lighthearted.  It still made me chuckle that people who know me well think that I actually ran in a proper race, like a park run or something.

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