Saturday, 16 July 2016

Argh me hearties!!

If you class has the best attendance in KS1, at this school, they are awarded the attendance trophy and are given a £5 prize.  I was led to believe that how the class spent the money was up to them but usually it involved a party or some kind of treat.

Initially I wanted to spend the money on ice creams when we went on our school trip, but the logistics of it became very faffy.  I presumed that they would give me the money from petty cash and I would spend it. What actually happens is you spend the money and then hand in the receipts before being given that money back.  It is all rather convuluted, in a nut she'll we had a pirate party.

The kiddie winkles came in dressed as pirates an we played games and have food.  It was an all day event and it all came to a grand total of £18.25 including a pirate cake, popcorn, bubbles and sweeties.  

I was very chuffed with myself until I discovered the other year one class had bought the children all sorts of gifts, which irked me as originally we had planned to have a joint party.

My new mantra is to let it go.

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