Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Is this time convenient for you?

We had arranged a pre approval visit with a social worker for the 18th July, it was after I put down the phone that I realised that I'd be free the following week.  I phoned to rearrange and the lady was extremely concerned that the date was convenient for us.  There are new targets in place to make sure that people get the appointments that are suitable for them.  
I spent a couple of days panicking about the visit and making sure that the house was immaculate and I knew she would want a tour.  We talked about everything, excluding our own birth stories.  How we met, our childhoods and families, why we want to adopt and our experiences with children.  For me the most interesting question was whether or not we had experienced trauma in our lives.  While we have been luck enough to have survived our respective childhoods, I was keen to stress that I had suffered my own traumas.  As a forces child, every couple of years I would leave the friends and routines that I has come to know and love, pick up sticks and move to another town or country.  I know this doesn't compare to a bereavement but the SW was keen to highlight that I would have an empathy with children who were leaving their homes and family.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Yet another last day, but my last one for a while, I think

I have said it before (dozens of times) and I'll say it again, no doubt, it's sad to leave but exciting to move on to new challenges.  Today was my last day at my first Northern School.
We had a bit of a fuddle (it's not what you think, it's a buffet) and then the head handed out bouquet to all the leavers and said some lovely things. 
 When it came to me she told two anecdotes about my time there; "I knew you had settled in when the head of Education in Yorkshire came for a visit to your class and he commented that you had the children right where you wanted them and you had obviously been here for a while, to which I responded yes, about two weeks!  And the second time was when I asked one of the children what they were playing and they said "we're not playing, we're exploring our learning."
I have really enjoyed my time at the school and I know that I made a huge impact on the students and staff.  It is lovely to be appreciated, I felt more at home there after six months than I did after five years in the LVS Oxon.
My Facebook status sums up my feelings;
Obligatory I'm a lucky teacher photo.  Thank you to all LMers for making my first Northern school such a special one, it'll be hard to beat you guys.  You welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like one of your own straight away.  Thank you all, you have been so very generous.  Have a good summer you all deserve it.  In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger "I'll be back!"

This could be tricky or a chance to shine

I went to visit my new school today for transition and it was interesting...  The phrase "what have I done?" did spring to mind.  
As the day wore on however and we all got to understand each other, we started to have fun and relax.  There are some tricky little customers, behaviour and ability wise, but on the whole a lovely little class who coped very well meeting a stranger in the last week of the school year when they were very tired and hot (it turned out to be the hottest day of the year).

I am confident that we will get on swimmingly, yes there will be bumps along the way, we will overcome them and we will strive to do our bests.

Last Day till summer - well...

I like all three of these and they all apply so I posted them all.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Funny things kids say/do

I challenged the kidiwinkles to make a foodie alphabet, it was quite tough. We did have to cheat a bit.  Some of them had great ideas, some not so great, like this little treasure. 

Not sure it's classed as a food....

If I have to...

A friend tagged me in this on Facebook, I told her I would do it if I had to.

I had a mad moment

I was a bit bored, so I decided to cover my computer monitor with vintage stickers.  

love the way it looks hut I know GO will hate it.  Let's see how long it take him to notice.

Let's give this a go

Saw this on Facebook, thought I'd give it a go.

WITHOUT any prompting, ask your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say. It's great and funny. The outcome can be hilarious...

What is something I always say to you?
I love you or clean up pick up your mess

What makes me happy?

What makes me sad?
When I go to work

What was I like as a child?
Annoying, fussy

How old am I?
Well you are the big 4-0 next, ha ha

How tall am I?
6ft 2.  Tall that's all I know 

What's my favorite thing to do?

What do I do when you are not around?
Nothing, clean, relax, bake

If I become famous, what will it be for?
Loudest fart, book

What am I good at?
Everything, teaching, everything

What am I not good at?
Listening, understanding, you don't listen you just do what you want

How are you and I the same?
We think the same and do the same

Do you think you could live with me forever?
Maybe....  Yeah

How do I annoy you?
What you are doing now, fidgeting

What is your favourite thing about me?
You're good to me

- Kind Regards, C xx

What is going on?

Makes me Laugh

Argh me hearties!!

If you class has the best attendance in KS1, at this school, they are awarded the attendance trophy and are given a £5 prize.  I was led to believe that how the class spent the money was up to them but usually it involved a party or some kind of treat.

Initially I wanted to spend the money on ice creams when we went on our school trip, but the logistics of it became very faffy.  I presumed that they would give me the money from petty cash and I would spend it. What actually happens is you spend the money and then hand in the receipts before being given that money back.  It is all rather convuluted, in a nut she'll we had a pirate party.

The kiddie winkles came in dressed as pirates an we played games and have food.  It was an all day event and it all came to a grand total of £18.25 including a pirate cake, popcorn, bubbles and sweeties.  

I was very chuffed with myself until I discovered the other year one class had bought the children all sorts of gifts, which irked me as originally we had planned to have a joint party.

My new mantra is to let it go.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

We're Outta There

After a (in my opinion) mediocre Euro 2016 we are out. Beaten by France 2-0, we are going home. I said to GO that we wouldn't get past France, I don't know why I thought that (they won a tournament once, I think), but I was right. It was a shame but I don't think we deserved to win.

- Kind Regards, C xx

I could get use to this

I spent Friday at my new school, the Requires Improvement (RI) School. I thought it was transition day, I wasn't really prepared, luckily I had a meeting with the maths team. The school are using a similar system to my current school, but to familiarise me with it they head had arranged for me to spend the morning looking at how to plan, it is a different way to the way I usually plan. I worked with a lady who is so passionate about maths that even I found myself getting excited about place value.

Roll on September.

- Kind Regards, C xx

Sofa So Good

The sofa has been in situ for four days now. It is much bigger than I expected, it is lovely and squishy. The colour is more grey than brown, which actually works with our other soft furnishings. It's been nice for both of us to be able to lounge and relax at the same time. In the past one of us (usually me) ends up on the floor.
Here's to many years snuggled up together, two content sofa bears.

- Kind Regards, C xx

Little Clanger

GO amuses me so, he is a lot more intelligent than he gives himself credit for. He doesn't often make mistakes but when he does, man does it make me howl.
Today's slightly politically incorrect statement (it was a genuine question, no malice was intended) came about while watching the tennis. The commentators were discussing the wheelchair tennis final; "so in wheelchair tennis, does someone push the player around?" The obvious answer is no, but it was the quizzical look on his face that tipped me over the edge.

- Kind Regards, C xx

Friday, 8 July 2016

An open letter from Bastian Schweinsteiger


Dear fans,

It’s a real shame. Our dream has not been fulfilled. We didn’t make it to the final, so Rio will not be followed by another magical night. Unfortunately, we were missing something extremely important against France: a little bit of luck. Defeats are a part of the game though, even if they hurt. We of course acknowledge our opponents’ performance and sincerely and warmly congratulate the French team on progressing to the final.

I am proud of what we have achieved. We have stayed true to playing our style of football. We have continued to grow as a team in the last seven weeks and this togetherness, which made us strong in Brazil two years ago, has done the same again here in France. We are a team, we are Die Mannschaft.

Our fans are also a part of it. Wherever we were, Lille, St. Denis, Paris, Bordeaux or Marseille – thanks to you we had our twelfth man by our side. Your enthusiasm was clear to hear and see in the stadiums. We also felt the support of all the people in Germany. At this point, we would like the say THANK YOU to all the fans.

We would also like to thank the hosts, France and the French people. We have felt happy, safe and fully welcome from the first day. We had the best possible conditions in Evian. We were able to concentrate and train intensely, as well as relax in peace and recover where we were staying. France have been amazing hosts for the European Championship.

I would like to take my hat off to France on behalf of the team.

Merci! Au revoir! And see you soon!

Bastian Schweinsteiger

- Kind Regards, C xx

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Am I a scab or the worlds best paid cupboard organiser?


"what do we want? Better pay and conditions for our teachers and a better education for our pupils leaving to a better future for all". Or something like that.

I am in no way shape or form dismissing the feelings of the NUT and its members, but I can't help but wonder what today was all about.

I am in a non striking union, some people have said that we are jammy. If NUT gets what it wants we win, if it doesn't we will plod along regardless. Win win, apparantly.

As a supply teacher though, I am in a sticky position, if I don't work I don't get paid. The school have been very good, they have asked me to be in and get the classroom ready for the new year.

It was a hard day, it took me all day to get the job done. I spent seven hours cleaning out cupboards and sorting out crap. I said to the head as I don't have any emotional ties to the resources I was quite happy to toss a lot of broken/useless/inappropriate resources. I also found toys that the children should have been playing with all year.

All in all not bad for a day for the world's most expensive cupboard cleaner :-)

- Kind Regards, C xx

Big day in the Murray house

Today we posted our notice of interest to the county council. The long road to adoption has officially begun. I wish I could say that I posted it in some touching post box with special significance to us, but I didn't I dropped it in the box by the front door to Asda on my way to pick up some salad and fruit for our buffet lunch. I suppose it is quite significant because it doesn't matter where it's starts the journey as long as it gets where it has to be (in my and GO's arms)

- Kind Regards, C xx

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Throw back photos

The day I left the Little Village School - lovely children made me a book
I found a couple of Photos form my time in the LVS and the other LVS that made me smile, I have altered them to blur out the children, to respect privacy.
I was counting, but it looks like I was flipping the Bird, honest.

This is common sense really, nice to be reminded though

This is unfortunately very true these days

How I'm feeling today

I feel a bit bluergh, I am very run down and have mange to pick up a grotty summer cold.  I should be out enjoying the glorious sunshine surrounded by my loving family and friends, watching my children having fun.  Instead I am stuck inside alone because it is raining.  I am entitled to a day where I feel sad every now and then and I have choosen today to be that day.  I'll feel better soon, writing this down I have already started to perk up.  I am cocooned on the sofa (last weekend before the new one arrives) watching Full House on Netflix - bliss.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Summerish bucket list

I have put some thought into this years summer bucket list.  It's not that sunny here, so I have had to think of some alternatives. 

I actually lolled

This actually made me laugh out loud in the staff room the other day, I translated the joke but nobody else thought it was that funny.  I wonder why?

We are going out - I'm not talking about the EU

I can't believe we are actually going out, for a proper night out.

I've managed to convince people I am something that I'm not

Some how, without intending too I have managed to convince people that I am a runner.  Now if you know me then you know this could never be a thing.  It hurts to run, it burns, I don't feel any endorphins I just feel pain.
As I have previously mentioned I had to run the school fun run, no one else would and the children were falling left right and centre. So I ran behind literally picking them up and sending them on their way again.  Monday at school and they handed out the wards to all the winners, clap, clao, clap.  Then the teacher said "of you will all receive a certificate for taking part..."  To which i jumped in, for the laughs, with "don't forget me".
A few days later my stifikat arrived and proud as punch I took a photo and began sharing it with friends and family.  Most, actually all, of the responses were posive and lighthearted.  It still made me chuckle that people who know me well think that I actually ran in a proper race, like a park run or something.

Battle of the Somme

Today marked the one hundredth year since the battle if the Somme in The First World War.  
In total 1million Troops, German and allied, were killed.  
To commemorate this at 7.28am (when the whistle blew to start the battle) there was a two minute silence.  
One minute to remember those who had fallen and one to remember those who survived and returned home, probably changed forever.  

Well Deserved

I am a German, proud and loyal.  On a spin of a coin I can change my opinion of someone if they say anything bad about Germans or Germany.  So for me to say this is quite difficult. I have thought twice about saying it, but I am going to out my money where my mouth is.  I wouldn't mind if Wales go all the way in Euro16.  They really do deserve it as they have worked their sock off.
Having just watched them beat the world's number 2 team 3-1, in what was, in my opinion, the best game of the tournament.

What a rainy start to July

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...