Tuesday, 31 May 2016

YSP - fat girl walking

One of the trips in my half term hotlist was to visit the Yorkshire Sculptue Park.  I have started to use Instagram as a sort of tourist information.  I check into a place and then see who else has checked in and look at other places they have been.
One person had checked themselves into Haworth and an exhibition with what looked like a ginormous miserable Mickey Mouse.  It turned out to be by an artist who goes by the name KAWS, a Newyork native who is currently touring the world.
I was intrigued, and have to admit that my first thought, on discovering that the exhibition was being held at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, was oh my gosh that would look so cool on my Facebook page. Sad I know, but, well...  I was right. 

As well as KAWS the YSP has pieces by Andy Gormley, Henry Moore, and Ai Wei Wei (we saw an exhibition of his at Blenheim a couple of years ago).

It was a great day, less than an hour away and completely free.  Alright you have to pay to park, but for what you get to see I think that it a small price to pay.  I loved it and will definitely be going again, soon.  Particularly as we hadn't even looked around the indoor exhibits.

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