Sunday, 22 May 2016

Bronte Falls - Fat Girl Walking

I'd heard about it in the staffroom, I'd seen it on Instagram, I'd driven past it on my way home from work nearly everyday.  Today I decided to go an visit the Bronte Waterfalls.  GO and I hopped in the car, we didn't really take anything with, on a normal walk we'd be laden down with backpacks, wet water gear, and other such supplies.  This was only a quick walk, it was just off the main road.....

"I intended to have written a line yesterday, but just as I was sitting down for that purpose, Arthur called to me to take a walk. We set off, not intending to go far; but though wild and cloudy it was fine in the morning; when we got about half-a-mile on the moors, Arthur suggested the idea of the waterfall; after the melted snow, he said it would be fine. I had often wished to see it in its winter power, so we walked on. It was fine indeed; a perfect torrent racing over the rocks, white and beautiful!"
Charlotte Bronte, November 29th 1854

Well it seems, dear reader (I'm getting a bit carried away with the Bronteness of it all), I am the Arthur of this family.  I knew there was a waterfall, what I didn't know was just how far away it was.  2 miles, that isn't far.  It isn't far at all, but over hill and dale it can get a bit tiring.

I'll walk where my own nature would be leading: It vexes me to choose another guide. Emily Bronte

We walked past meadows and over the tops in the most glorious sunshine, there was the ever present cloud looming and multiplying over head, a constant reminder that I had dared to hang out my washing on a Sunday, but it was an idyllic day.  We/I wasn't really sure where we were going, as is the norm, I had googled a bit, but I was basically following two hiker shaped objects in front of us.    I wouldn't acknowledge GO's concerns that they had packs and supplies and we had a camera and my handbag.
We made it and it was, while glorious might be too grand a word, lovely.  I have read on the website (that I discovered on our return) that he best time to visit falls is just after rainfall, as they look spectacular.  When we arrived the area was full of hikers and families enjoying the sunshine and tucking in to their very British picnics.  As we didn't even have a bottle of water (I know, I know), our feelings of annoyance may have in actual fact been feelings of jealousy.
We made our way back, planning to one day return and to attempt the Top Within' trail, we seem to always decided to try another trail on the way home from a trail we are on.  Promising ourselves that the next hike we try would be well provisioned.  There is nothing like a cup of coffee and a biscuit that you have lugged all the way from home in a stainless steel cylinder.  We enjoyed the walk back to the car, we didn't have the feeling of anticipation that you have when you head out somewhere new, but we had the joy of knowing that this glorious, wonderful countryside and all of the epic scenery around us, was only ten minutes from our front door.

Facebook profile - of course

I found a spot to chill

It's a shame, but he didn't fall in, I didn't even try

Plans for the future


Biggest sky I have seen in a while.

I will tell you the tale of this sheep and her lamb, one day.

More info about Haworth, The Bronte's and just a brainy quote or two;

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