Sunday, 17 January 2016

Bonny Blackpool

I have fond memories of Blackpool (doesn't everyone?) when we lived in Preston we would regularly head over.  Mamilein and Papichen for their car boot sales me and my big little brother for the amusement arcades, in particular the penny push games.
Our first weekend living with the outlaws came and as we were both out of work and penniless our plans had to include lots and lots of free stuff.  GO had the idea to take a trip to. Blackpool and promenade along the seafront.

It was a fantastic idea,bee bundled up well and big camera in hand (obviously I was going to take an award winning phot), off we went.  We have gone maybe 20 metres when they reality of the seaside in the middle of winter hit us literally smack in the face.  It.  Was.  Freezing.  My face felt that cold I could have sworn it was being burnt off.

Wrapping up even tighter we set off to enjoy the delights of a British seaside resort in the middle of an Arctic cold front.

It was dead, to say the least.  There was the typical faded grandeur of the old hotels and show rooms.  The amusement arcades were all flashing lights and plinky plonky music, somehow managing to keep going and stay viable in such a cash strapped time.  The Tower stood proudly above the newly regenerates seafront, what look like six giant metal leaves swinging in the wind.

Then there it was the North Pier, quiet and closed, not a soul to be seen.  I decided to take a photo, it was a moody shot.  With the grey sky and lack of light the photo without any enhancements looked like a black and white photo, I loved it and with a few tweaks it has become one of my favourites.  I am planning on enlarging it and framing it, in my opinion it is a showstopper.

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