Sunday, 3 January 2016

The Angel of the North

After the worst ferry journey ever (IMHO), the room was grubby and too warm, the sea was so rough we kept pitching and rolling and the food left a lot to be desired, although that could have been to do with my queasiness.
We disembarked and waited to leave, we were officially the very last car through the security gate.  I asked GO if he wanted to go and have a look at the Angel of the North, "While we're here!"
It was huge, the last time I'd seen it I was a little hungover, let's leave it at that.
GO did all the usual poses, I couldn't  quite get the right shot, so I said I'd just walk down the slope a bit. 
Well obviously I didn't make it.  I felt my foot start slipping.  I couldn't get a grip and before I knew it, I was flat on my back.
"Oop a la!"  I heard some Polish guys exclaim.  I just lay in the mud and laughed. As I have said before and I'm sure I will say again; it's always me!

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