As GO had no job to go back to, we were able to are with Mamilein and Papichen for the whole of the festive season.
H, wanted to come to Bünde and reminisce about the good old days.
Papichen booked her into the local hotel, I didn't hold out much hope. I was a bit worried, it didn't have the best trip advisor reviews. I have learnt not to pin everything on those kind of websites. Especially as the room was absolutely fantastic.
We met up and were introduced to all three girls. Who are gorgeous. We bimbled around Bünde with the intention of going to the park, not realising that the sun would set so quickly it being mid winter and all.
We made out way to the Italian and just had a lovely time catching up on all our news.
The next day I suggested a visit to the Tier Park in Bielefeld. I had seen someone mention it on Facebook and was curious, even more so when I found out it was free!