Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Oh it's the Pakoras

As I sat down to plan, the lovely ladies brought out a bag of food one of the mothers had given them a gift.  It was a bag of pakoras, fried Indian dumplings.  I just carried on regardless, I had plans to write and would eat my lunch later.  As I typed and chatted I found myself taking one, two, three, four!  OMG!  I thought nothing of it and varied on working.  It was my planning time so I took myself off to the staffroom to carry on working.  I never got round to eating my lunch.

Flash forward a few hours and my mind began wandering.

"I didn't have any lunch!  Oh I had the pakoras!"

Then I began feeling odd, I had indigestion  but I hadn't eaten anything.  Oh wait I had a pakora!

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