Saturday, 1 August 2015

Poorhouse here we come, not quite

A week ago I was looking forward to working in a nursery somewhere, I would be doing day supply.  

I was told that I would be called at about 7am and be given that day/weeks assignment.  I set my alarm for 6.30am, I didn't want to sound too groggy when I answered the phone.  

I got up Monday morning, had some tea and cereal and waited for the phone to ring, I waited, and waited and waited. By 9.30 GO was getting his thing together to go to work and I still hadn't heard anything.  

So I called them, fearing I would be seen pushy, but clueless none the less.  It turned out that neither of my referees had got in contact.  

Now my first thought was, oh they must not want to do it.  I must be awful!  My second thought, the quieter more reasonable thought (truer too), was that both of my referees are hardworking head teachers who are now on holiday.  

It couldn't be helped, my advisor said she had left messages and was confident that she would get them sorted soon.  

A week later still no references.  It is the start of a new month and bills need to be paid.  GO has reassured me that we aren't broke, or soon to be knocking at the poorhouse.  

I was worried that the major household bills wouldn't get paid.  I contribute towards them every month, at this GO snorted, he actually snorted.  It turns out I've only been paying  a few Pounds here and there for the whole year and haven't been as conscientious as I thought I had.

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