Wednesday, 19 August 2015

I exceeded all expectations

I had a blast visiting MrsF and my BFF aka My Gorgeous Goddaughter (MGGD). We  spent the morning at baby music and movement class.  Singing, dancing and just generally having fun.  The class was half an hour long and there are about twenty babies/families.  The instructor handed out the instruments and said to me.  "We expect everyone to join in!" My response was "try to stop me!"  Mrs F explained I was Early Years teacher (this was basically my everyday). We began with a couple of songs I was unfamiliar with, but I followed along bouncing MGGD in time to the music. When I recognised a song I joined I with gusto. At one point I watched the others parents mumbling along to Incy Wincy Spider, as I was belting it out sans baby. I leaned over to MrsF and said "I think in this class I am the overacheiver!"

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