Thursday, 19 February 2015

Rhymney Brewery - words, pictures and. a video!

After the excitement of the Big Pit G.O decided to start the journey up North!  As we drove out of the compound, we saw a brewery and decided that we would pop in a have a look around.  Our trip to the ST Austell Brewery visitor centre was so much fun.  We wandered around, still damp and unkempt from the rain, but as G.O kept saying "who cares we don't know anyone, no one will ever see us!", famous last words. 

So off we went, it was a lovely little brewery, The Rhmney Brewery, or as we found out micro brewery.  

We had lots of fun riding a beer barrel, pulling the 'perfect pint' virtually, and finding out about the history of the brewery.

When we got to the end of the tour, before you could go into the brewing centre, I found the ladies and I made a dash for it.  Just as I thought, my worst fears were confirmed I looked awful.  My nice clothes were in the bottom of my bag and I was wearing my grubbies. Well you don't dress up to go down a mine do you? or visit a brewery?  I just hoped we wouldn't be going any where fancy.

When I emerged after trying to fluff up my hair a little bit, it was still so wet it was drying stuck to my scalp, and saw G.O talking to a man with a camera.  All I could hear was him telling him that he worked in a pub in Oxford.  Shortly after we made our way to the bar at the end of the tour where we were offered a taster of the ale. I'm not a big ale drinker and I can't help but show my feelings on my face, but what the hey?

Not long after the man with the camera, came over to chat to G.O again, I smiled politely and looked out of the window at the stunning views.  "I'm filming a piece for the local council tourist board, and need a couple of shots of people just chatting and enjoying the ale.  Would you mind if I filmed you?"  "No, go ahead!" said G.O, and before I could say anything, G.O launched into his speech.

"What a lovely ale, I haven't ever drunk anything this nice before, mmh, mmh, mmh it is delicious, what do you think wife?"   I tried hard not to laugh, so i just nodded along.  The camera man leaned over and said, "I don't need any voices, they'll just put some music over the top afterwards anyway."

I recently found the video on you tube and for your viewing pleasure here it the very professional and interesting video.  At about 1.47 mins, when the very nice gentleman talks about the beautiful views, you get a shot of a something that looks more like a drowned rat.  

"Don't worry no one will ever see you!"  

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