Monday, 9 February 2015

Early years consultant anyone?

As the weeks have progressed, without being too unprofessional, I have become aware that there are glaring discrepancies in the early years provision at the second village school.  I mentioned my concerns to the leadership team, and was informed that my replacement was new to the early years and any changes I felt necessary to make were left up to me.  This was further cemented by a visit from the local area advisory teacher.  Who agreed with my findings.  She kept repeating "this is no reflection on you."  I wanted to say I know, I'm secure enough in my teaching ability (amazing after what I have been through) to know that I really know my stuff.

These words were music to my ears, within and hour of the adviser leaving, the children and I, had completely rearranged  the classroom.  It now has nooks and crannies, and workspaces that are related to the curriculum.

It is a learning environment that celebrates the children and their achievements (two of the girls spent an afternoon planning and putting up a phonics display, 5 year olds), encourages independence and purposeful play. 

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