Saturday, 27 June 2015

This is great

On the right hand side are the things that people, lovely, thoughtful, kind, well meaning people ALWAYS, say to me.  I try not to get upset.  But when you have heard them all a hundred times or more it starts to get depressing.  

This Instagram post made my remember that, whatever people say, what they really mean is 'I love you', 'I care', 'I don't really know what to say to make it all better'.  TBH you don't need to make it better, just be there.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Lara the Lion

This is a throw back and a half.  Two years ago as part of Art Week in the village school.  I was tasked, with my group, to make a rag rug lion.  It took days, we were given an extension because it was a tricky task for little fingers to do.  And it was finally ready for the parents assembly (which was at 2.40)  at 2.35.  Just in the nick of time, but it was the feature if the week and always got favourable comments.  It is probably languishing in a cupboard somewhere.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Blue Sky a thinking

Beautiful clear blue sky 

The Frog and the Wig

Once upon a time in a little pond lived a frog, he was the most handsome frog in the whole world, with his shining bald head and he knew it!  This frog would think nothing of strutting around the pond hopping from one lily pad to the other telling any creature that the met along the way how handsome he was and how downright ugly they were.  The other pond life got rather fed up of the frog’s behaviour and hatched a cunning plan.

The next day the frog jumped onto the lily pad of a toad and he began telling the toad about his own gorgeousness.  Toad didn't take kindly to a little green spindly legged creature telling him he was unattractive and so he told the frog that if he didn't stop talking he would regret being so vain.  Cracking his knuckle and looking at the frog in a menacing way the toad began to move closer and closer to the frog, flexes his many, many muscles.

The frog realising that he was in enormous peril hopped into the water and began to swim away.  Each time he landed on a lily pad, he thought he was safe, but each time there would be another creature waiting to remind him how vain he had been. 

Frog could take it now more in dived into the reeds and fashioned himself a long, flowing golden wig out of the dead reeds.  He placed it on his head and swam back into the pond.  Nobody recognised him, he was safe. Frog introduced himself shyly and quietly to everyone he met and began known as the nicest and politest frog in the pond.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Driving home photo 2

Beautiful Vista

I am trying to be more mindful these days and as part of my in the present thinking, I line to drive home "the pretty way".  If I am particularly taken by a view I have decided to stop and photograph it. 

Here is driving home photo 1 

I Am Trying To Believe In Miracles

And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not.

Deuteronomy 8:2 

Stuart the train driver

On our first official day in Purbeck, we decided to buy a round trip on the Swanage railway.  

The route started just down the hill from the campsite took us past Corfe castle, up to Norden, turned around and then headed to Swanage, before returning us back at the stop we set off from.  All for £12 or so.  As GO is a bit of a steam engine aficionado this day was all about him.  In fact once I found out about the railway, it was the whole reason I chose to visit Purbeck. 

When we arrived at Norden, I ran off needing to visit the little girls room.  On the way I saw a sign offering the chance to drive a locomotive engine.  After a pit stop at the mining museum, I made my way to the sign.  

There was a special event being held at the station, for £5 (bargain) people could drive a mining locomotive up and down the track a couple of times.  Before he could say anything I handed over the money and GO was being told how to drive the train.

His face lit up as he squeezed the handle and slowly but surely the little trained chuffed out of the station. 

The guide ushered my over the tracks, so I could get a better view and take lots of pictures.  As the locomotion whistled GO brought it back to the start, he was even confident enough to wave at me as he sailed past.

I often wonder what he was like as a little boy.  For a moment that day I got to see for my self the child like wonder and joy on his cherubic little face.  Best five ponds I've ever spent.

Camp as a Row of Tents

Spending time together

Second May bank holiday of the year, what to do?  I had an idea....

Every week at school we do our Weekend News, the children write about all of the exciting things they have done.  Every week the children tell me about going to the beach, and one place kept being mentioned; Swanage!

I checked it out and it looked worth a visit.  So I planned our visit, we would camp in a campsite just by Corfe castle,each pitch was in the woods and had a fire pit.  It sounded idyllic, and to make matters even better you didn't need to book.

All sorted, GO booked the time of work.  Astrid (our lovely little car) was given her annual check up.  We packed our things and headed off to Swanage.  

I just gave the campsite's website a quick shufty.  I had been chatting to a parent the day before about our break and she had told me she was going to a similar place at the same time, but that she had had to book as it was a bank holiday.  The website had a new red box in the corner, that hadn't been there the last time I had looked.  BANK HOLIDAY - BOOKING REQUIRED -LIMITED SPACES!  Ahh!  I sent an email, it'd be fine...  I even managed to joke with GO about how, when I book a holiday it
never quite goes to plan, if only he knew.

A34 was jammed, all the way from Winchester to Bournemouth was moving at a snails pace.  Thank goodness for the new sat nav.  Avoid all motorways I commanded and she did.  Taking us through the lovely Hampshire countryside.  Eventually two hours after we should have arrived we got to the Swange Ferry.  It about three minute journey, not long enough to do anything (that didn't stop our neighbour from smashing her car door into the car) except read the adverts.  I noticed one for a campsite, not the one I wanted but I made a mental note, maybe next time if this one is rubbish, I thought to myself.
As we made our way to the campsite in the woods, I realised we had no fuel.  Making a quick decision I followed the signs for Swanage, surely we'd find some diesel there.  I pressed the button I the sat nav and off she went.  

It was a bit hairy navigating the windy roads,  not to mention all of the cyclists you had to serve around.  I was very relieved when the road became quite suburban.  Welcome to Swanage said the sign on the left.  On the right was a sign for the campsite I had noticed on the ferry.  As GO filled us up, I made an executive decision.  "There's a campsite round the corner.  I'm so tired after all those traffic jams.  Shall we just go there?"  GO agreed it had been a long drive.  So we followed the signs for te campsite, found a spot and set up the tent.  

It wasn't in the woods, it was on a hill overlooking the fields of Purbeck.  It did have fire pits, and at night the stars were so bright GO and I lay and gazed for hours.  It was one of the most romantic and relaxing experiences of my life.

On the other hand the nearest toilet was half a mile away, I even added it to my route on my map.

Camping always makes you appreciate what you have at home.  It was lovely to get away, but it was great to get back.
Making Friends

Look we're twins

Gorgeous views

Four years one, we can still strike the same 'beach pose'

He is so lovely

Just after this we saw a sand tornado!

Try to look cool while ants crawl up your leg

This place was so calm it was almost creepy

Happy Blogiversary

It has been a year since I started this blog.  Looking back I can't believe how much my life has changed and how happy I am.  

I have got a new job, which isn't without it's challenges, that I absolutely love.  I have most definitely got my teaching mojo back.  

After becoming more conscious about my overall health, I have begun to take matters into my own hands.  I go to fitness classes, hike and swim every week.  I have upped my fruit, vegetable and calcium intake and lowered my fat, sugar and alcohol (I am pretty much tee total now). I am healthier than I have ever been.

Fertility wise, I don't feel any closer to the goal.  I recovered from my op quickly and have to be honest I had extremely high (slightly unrealistic) expectations.  My cycles were 60- 90 days long, when this all began, are now 22-28 days long and while this is fantastic, I'm still not 100% sure I actually ovulate.  Which is the whole point surely?  I have a few appointments coming up which will hoepefully clear everything up, fingers crossed.

I have become more conscious of making sure that the time GO and I spend time together is worthwhile.  We have been on so many day trips, and weekends away.  We have coming with nature, been out for amazing meals and made the most of our National Trust membership.

What a year I have had, it has been full of highs and has been lacking in lows, which after the past few years is a great improvement.  Let's see what the next year on the blog brings.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Time to get fit, and I mean it this time

I have recently come to the conclusion that I am a slow burn when it comes to new ideas. Although I jump on the bandwagon with new things, especially at work, quite quickly, I often then slowly realise that I don't like it and try to get off.   This has been my approach to fitness in recent years. 

I try something decided I love it, invest in all of the equipment/membership and then by the third session fall out of love, or get bored, and I find I am stuck with it.  I either let it go to waste or would just try to ignore it.   Gym membership.....

Which is why I have put off writing this post.

A case in point, was my decision to walk 1000 miles this year.  I bought the boots, a new coat, poles and lots of books (even though you can get the information for free on the internet).   By March I realised that I was never going to make it to 1000 miles, just making it 10 100 miles would be an achievement enough, I wasn't doing enough during the week to add to my mileage.  I should just give up and not bother!

While I would normally have stopped altogether and chalked it up to experience. Something in me didn't want to stop, I know 1000 miles this year is not going to happen, how long would it take me to walk 1000 miles I wonder? I found an app that has helped my keep count.  While I am not out every weekend, I am out, often, and my walks are getting longer.

Now I was out and moving at the weekends, keeping me busy while G.O was at work. What about the rest of the week? As a supply teacher I am now getting home for 4/4.30 pm almost every night (except for staff meetings).  Whereas  I used to come home at 6/7 pm, and would eat, shower, sleep, then go back to work.  I was now finding myself with 6 or 7 hours to kill before I went to bed.  What to do?  

What ever I decided to it would improve my PCOS fight, it couldn't  hurt to lose a few pounds, get fit and hopefully have a bit of fun.

I began with a Zumba class on a Monday, 6.30-7.30 pm, I used to hate going at that time because, I could never make it.  It was fun, intense and hard work to begin with, the class was rammed every week.  £5.00 per person and there were about 50 people, is a very happy instructor.  Each week I pushed myself a little bit more, the day after I would feel the pain, I loved it.

Shortly after I began to look around for another aerobics class to fill in my time.  I found one at a local primary school, I went along but it was too intense and the instructor was very severe.  I didn't want to lose my motivation so I looked elsewhere.  At school I mentioned my lack of classes and in particular yoga classes (except use and stress relief in one go, bonus!), as I was pointed in the direction of Tara Yoga.  

It is a one hour hatha yoga drop in class, and fits the bill for me.  It's relaxing and not too strenuous. Rather than doing moves that flow into each other, you hold poses for a long time.  Giving your body a chance to really stretch.

To supplement my zumba and yoga sessions I also swim during the week.  For the first time in my life I feel healthier, toned and I believe I am getting fitter each week.  I have definitely started to move more and eat less and it is having an impact.  I should have done this years ago...

Monday, 1 June 2015

Summer Bucket List 2015

After the success of my Christmas Bucket List, I had decided to make myself a summer version.  I look forward to checking of my list,  some I have already.


I managed most of my bucket list, although I didn't go on a blue ride (too many bike related accidents this year),  paint a picture, or watch any outdoor theatre.  There's always next year.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...