Well it has been nearly two weeks since the procedure and I am starting to feel human again. I can't believe that it has taken me two week to heal, but I have definitely need that time to make myself better.
Day 2-5
We're spent asleep mainly. I had bought myself the Northern Exposure box set to keep myself entertained. As I couldn't keep my eyes open for longer than twenty minutes, I don't remember much past the first episode. Love this programme, by the way. Just when it can't get any weirder along comes a moose.
Days 6-10
By now I had got myself used to feeling sore. Then the painkillers all wore off and I was getting random pains all around my body. I felt so uncomfortable and had to remind myself that my body knew what it was doing and it would all be worth it in the end. By now I was more aware of my surroundings, and was conscious more hours of the day. I discovered the 'buy now' button on my amazon account.... The Ginger one was inundated with knocks at the door from various delivery personnel. I am now the proud owner of a piece of artwork that I like to call "Meiko". The Ginger one has taken delivery of more Muppet socks than he can cope with.
My stitches were removed on day six, they came out quite easily, except for the one in my belly button, which kept trying to hide. Ginger one has been extremely vigilant, checking out my scars and ensuring that they are clean and healing well.
Days 11+
My knight in shining armour had to return to work, I was distraught and very nervous about how I would cope alone. For over a week I hadn't been left alone for more than an hour. The first day I cocooned myself on the sofa, not very comfortable when the country was in the grip of a heat wave, and didn't move. When Ginger one came home he did the usual meet and great and then he notice one of my scars was protruding from my nightie, and it was very red and had a yellow crust (TMI I know but I have held back so much, 'squashing a Smurf' springs to mind). I was told to go to the doctor, which I did. Over the course of my recovery, Ginger one had not let my lift a finger, for fear that I may burst at the seams, so to speak. So I happily obliged and left everything to him. it turns out the one thing Ginger couldn't stop me from doing, and the one thing that did eventually split my wound, was sneezing, According to the GP I had torn my wound, probably sneezing, and the body couldn't provide enough skin to cover the wound so had filled it in with the 'yellow gunk'. All I need was to cover it with petroleum jelly and a plaster.
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