Sunday, 9 August 2020

Gingerbread Life - August 2020

Well the global pandemic has brought many changes to lives around the world one are the many birthdays that have been celebrated in lockdown.  I had faith that my family’s batch of August birthdays wouldn’t be affected but they have.  
As much as I’d like to celebrate Mamilein’s birthday in person we have, as many have, had to make do with Skype chats and FaceTime calls. It’s not the same but it is birthdays in 2020.  The beginning of August is Mamilein’s birthday but she also squeezes in her Namenstag (who doesn’t celebrate their name?) a couple of days later.  Always wanting to be the centre of attention she has struggled with having a birthday in lockdown.  When asked what they planned to do for her birthday “nothing!”  Was the response and that is just what they did.  We all called and played music.  We sent her some birds for her Christmas tree (although I now realise that the tree is in my garage) and made a virtual fuss of her.
Happy Birthday Mamilein

Another morning, another birthday.  From across the miles I wished my biglilbro a happy birthday he is now officially in his forties.  I have known him all his life (hee hee) and watched him develop from a snotty teenager to a grumpy old man.  He has always been spoiled rotten on his birthday, he got the brand name shoes, I got the key ring.  He got the roller blades, I got the knee pads.  Not that I am bitter because now I am officially the favourite child. This year, due to the enormous custom charges from the US postal services he received no gifts from us.  £20 gift £90 in taxes, not worth it.  Hopefully soon we’ll be able to celebrate together.  Our next round of birthdays is November, let’s see what Covid brings then.

Happy Birthday Biglilbro 

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