The year began with an oompah band. To the brass band version of Prodigy’s Firestarter we danced away 2018. We blew away the cobwebs with a wall to Hardcastle Crags Followed by a trip to Blackburn to watch Rovers versus someone else. We also spent the month waiting for Finlaw to paint the GBH (Gingerbreadhaus) so we could begin to move in. We began packing and organising bringing things to the house in the evenings and weekends.
February was moving month, both GO and I had a half term week that matched (a rarity) so we hired a huge Luton van/lorry with a lift, got some help from friends and began the job of moving in. I was most worried about driving the lorry down the hill and then turning around, I needn’t have though as I reversed down the hill as the road was empty and then drove it back to the depot. We settled down for an evening in front of the TV with a pizza.
March was definitely the month we turned the house into a haus/home. We scrubbed and sorted, washed and organised. We also had to do the same with the Derby House as we handed it back to the landlady, after weeks of faffing it was off our hands. We did have to stage the rooms as we’d moved everything out when she said the photographer was coming round to take photos.
Not so much the month of showers, April was our first holiday in the Haus and I went all out decorating and making a celebratory meal for the two of us. Then we had our first visitors, Mamilein and Papichen came to visit for a few days. We showed them the local sites and they enjoyed all of the local amenities, particularly the fish and chip drive thru.
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