Monday, 10 September 2018

I need to up my game next year

I’m all about the challenges this year, alongside the 1000 mile challenge I also decided to do the Goodreads boom challenge.  I set myself a target of reading 16 books in 2018, my thinking was a book a month with four in the summer holidays.  One thing I know I lose when I’m stressed, which is also one thing that would help calm me, is reading.  My worries, which realistically I know are
insignificant can become mammoth in my head but when I read I forget them and the nasty little voices in my head are quietened.  Imagine my joy
when I completed my reading challenge in September, from an epic novel about American Gods to a story about Mrs Westaways inheritance I have dipped into all kinds of genres, but have found myself less drawn to romances and more to thrillers and chillers.  Here’s to more books in the future. 

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