Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Travels with the Crinklies - You could stay here all day

I took M and P to Salts Mill, I knew M would be okay she toddles anywhere but I was blown away when P said; “I like this place, you could stay here all day.”


Hanging out with Hockney.

Travels with the Crinklies- Posh Nosh for the Birthdays

As Mamilein and Papichen both celebrate 70th birthdays I decided to treat them to afternoon teas.  Neither had ever been out for afternoon tea before so it was quite a big deal.  Pa really stepped up, basking in being surrounded by luxury and proper etiquette.  He excels at these types of situations, as a retired Mayor he liked it. Ma reverted to school child petulance and silliness.  She really is only fit for Harvester.

Travels with the Crinklies - Bees, bees, lots of bees

There are over 100 bees in Manchester, we found 18!  18, and it took us hours.  We walked miles, most of the bees were just a fluke.

Travels with the Crinklies - Marvellous Manchester

We spent the day wandering the streets of Manchester.  It is such a photogenic city, round each corner is another  lovely sight.  They really have embraced the worker bee theme.

Nana naps

“I’m going to the library!”  We hear that from Papichen everyday, I don’t know why he says it or where it comes from but in our family it’s code for “I’m having a nap!”
Mamilein is quite proud of the fact that she never needs a nap.  Doesn’t stop her ‘resting her eyes’.  Before she stopped watching it she famously fell asleep on the sofa on evening and we were wondering whether to wake her or she’d never sleep later.  She heard the first couple of chords of the Emmerdale theme song, shouted “Emmerdale” and sat bolt upright.

Monday, 30 July 2018

What’s for tea?

The queue was huge, I couldn’t be bothered to wait, but Papichen wanted chicken wings.  So I went to Birger King and bought nuggets, by mistake.  I felt guilty, even though he couldn’t eat all of the nuggets.  I suggested we pop into Costco and grab some ribs, Papichen loved sticky ribs. Mamilein was in a grump so waited in the car, unfortunately there was only one rack of ribs in the compartment so we picked up some chicken wings as well, result!  Guilt asssuaged.  We also picked up a bit of a teatime treat, some enormous eclairs which Papichen loved.

Think he liked them

I think he’s deaf!

Hey Dad!
Up here!  
We’re up here!
Nothing, granted it’s a shopping centre and he’s surrounded by people but he didn’t even glance up once.  At least we know where he is, he has a habit of wandering off.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

It’s looking positive

I’ve been having cramps and some spotting, a fellow Ovusense user thinks it could be ovulation spotting, who knew that was even a thing.  The chart is looking positive, maybe just maybe this is our turn. 

Tinkerbell Tyrants

Mamilein doesn’t sit still, she’s is up and down like a yo-yo, there is however one thing guaranteed to get her to sit still for over and hour, Tinkerbell.  She loves them all but her favourite it the Frosty Wings one.  Our routine at the moment is 9am breakfast, go out, back early afternoonish, Papichen has a nap we have coffee, cake and movie time.  GO does not, I repeat does not like Disney Films.  I think the photo below disagrees.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...