Sunday, 21 January 2018

Resolutions resolutions

GO’s New Years resolution was for us to do less, we are always on the go with jobs and we cram our weekends full of activity. We were both starting to feel burned out, I am constantly tip toeing on the edge of an abys, I am waiting for the next crisis (my place of work contributes about 95% of the time).  While he had a four week holiday and now works a four day working week his ability to recover has been phenomenal.  I on the other hand am not there yet, I feel the stress hormones rise throughout the week and try my best to lower them at the weekend but it’s not easy. I can see where he is coming from but I can’t relax by doing nothing, I feel like this is a waste of my time.  So we have compromised one weekend busy one weekend do nothing.  I have also decided to meditate daily to try to quieten those noisy voices/thoughts that rush around my head.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Back to the grind stone

Hi ho, hi ho it’s back to work we go....  and the pressure doesn’t stop.  I have honestly forgotten how to be a good teacher, I know what we do is not good but I don’t have the energy to fight.  We need a miracle, we need the powers that be to see the error of their ways.  Wishful thinking.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Oh this is me

This is me, if you are on the too much side it is true no matter how long it’s been since we last spoke/texted/met up.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Kiss A Ginger Day

Well this may be my favourite holiday, Kiss A Ginger Day.  Although like many holidays I don’t need to be told to kiss my lovely ginger husband.  In’t he scrummy!

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Up and away

As we waited to board the plane back to Manchester a little old man walked past, I glanced at him and nearly choked with excitement it was Carl from Up!  

Back to normal

Well that’s the tree down for another year and Christmas all packed away.  This time last year I was getting ready to return to school the following day, this year I’ve still got five more days of holiday left.  That is the bonus to finishing later I suppose.  Still I can feel the usual back to school anxiety creeping back in, I will allow myself one day to work, probably tomorrow, so I can feel ready for the slaughter that is the new term.  On the plus side GO “helped” me take down Christmas.

Now to fill the hole with a floor lamp that I found in the January sales, reduced from £150 to £40

How middle class can you get?

While I wait for Ginger One to  pick me up, he’s gone to change the flat tyre.  I thought I’d do a spot of “essential” shopping.  I fear I am now old and middle class.  Ah well!

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...