Thursday, 23 March 2017

After yet another city mourns, I was recently reminded  of a social media post I had read.  The author explained  that when they were younger  and would see harrowing images on the TV  screens their mother would say; look for the helpers. Even at the worst of times there are always people around willing to lend a hand and help.  It is a sentiment that is truer today than ever before.  At the worst moments in history, humanity is always their  to help, support and guide us.  These angels take all shapes, sizes and creeds. They often don't even realise how  helpful they have been, and how greedily  the support they offer is taken.  Thank you to all of lifes  helpers, as long as we  see you in the midst of all the carnage we will know humanity still exists, love is still strong and  hatred hasn't won.

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