Monday, 5 December 2016

Preparation Training Our Top Priority

I felt so guilty, it was the first day of our nativity and after weeks of preparation I wouldn't be there. The silly side of me thought I would get into trouble, but the logical side reminded me that we are about to embark on the greatest adventure of our lives and that it needed to be a priority.
Still as we sat in the Methodist church in front of a twelve foot tree.  I couldn't help but feel a little bit apprehensive.  We were with four other couple each at different stages in the process.  It was led by a very experienced social worked who was herself and adopted child.    There was a same sex couple who were on their second course, a high flying teaching couple who wanted a baby but who came from a council that was in big trouble, a couple who were foster carers and had decided to adopt the child in their care, and a couple of NHS workers who also wanted a baby.
We sat and listened to case studies of children who had been taken in to the care system and were then adopted by hard working, caring people who had more love and affection coursing through their bodies than they knew what to do with.  We learned that it isn't the absence of love in a child's life that leads them to adoption, it the lack of life's basic needs.  Birth families just can't cope with children and give them the structure and boundaries that the children need.
It has made us think long and hard about what we really think we can cope with, we both think that for us a young sibling group is the way to go as we have the ability to make a difference but also they would have a genetic connection with each other.

Here's to the future and all it brings.

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