Wednesday, 11 November 2015

I'm a temporary Hampdener

Another day another phone call.  I had been doing a couple of days here and there when the acting head of an Inner Oxford school asked if I would consider doing a week in year five.  My head and heart were saying no, "you've never taught that age, they'll eat you alive, you're an early years specialist."  What came out of my mouth was, "yeah! Sure, why not?"  So began the scariest week of my career, considering how I was treated at the first LV school that is saying something.  While I can't say I enjoyed it, it wasn't as daunting as I had first thought.  On the Wednesday I got a call from the agency, a school needed a teacher in year four until the end of term. I agreed to pop over and meet the head and Senco.  I explained that I hadn't really taught key stage two (KS2) before and that I was early year trained, but that seemed to encourage them more.  The class were in need of some fun and nurturing.  Before I could talk myself out of it I said I would do it.  The following Monday I taught alongside the teachers I was replacing and so began my first real long term soirée into KS2.  It won't be my last, but that is another story...@

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