Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Biene Owah!

Our latest topic is A Bug's Life.   Picked so that we could join the older classes on a school trip, so I could carry on my streak of never having planned one.

It is, again,a science heavy topic, but the children are all very engaged and bring in books and bugs from home.

Three weeks before the end of term, end of the school year, end of my contract at this school, I was told the school involvement officer wanted to look around.  "Feel free, we're not doing anything special.  Only making honey sandwiches."  

The next morning I arrived at my usual time and walked across the classroom to my desk.  Ooh!  The little neck hairs had got caught in my necklace, as I reached up to fix it, I felt something in my hand.  It was a bee, it flew away, all be it a little squiffy.  

I went to get a cold pack, one of the lovely ladies at breakfast club looked at it and pulled out the stinger.  I told everyone I saw.  My TA, the navy seal, wasn't happy and drove me to the local A and E department.  Where I was informed that all I needed to do was pop an antihistamine. I didn't tell school that though, the rest of the morning buzzed by.

Most dramatic way to get out of an observation, to date.

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