Sunday, 3 May 2015

Bank Holiday Shenanigans - Part 2

I'm walking to Oxford 
"I have to go in and do a split shift!  I work until four in the kitchen and then at nine in the bar.  You can come into Oxford at four, we could wander around the parks of Oxford. There are some lovely parks (repeating a phrase I always say to him) and then we could have dinner somewhere nice."  I could see the tension in his eyes.  Would I be disappointed or would this be a good idea?
A Break in the rain

"Sounds like a plan!"  I said, "although I might not take the bus.  I might walk to Oxford and meet you.  There is a street food fair on in the Castle!"  It was sorted.   Sunday was going to be quite fun.  When I opened the curtains on Sunday it was very grey and over cast.  Thankfully it looked like it had been raining but had stopped.  I pottered about the house, Skyped my parents and very quickly decided that I wouldn't walk as it had started raining again.
A bit wet out!
I had a long soak in the bath and planned my outfit, I decided I'd wear my new summer dress (a bit optimistic I know) with a long sleeved t shirt and my tan boots, perfect spring/summer warm/cold weather.  I looked out the window, blueish skies and  it felt quite warm.  I decided to walk, I wouldn't make it to the pub at half four, but it wouldn't be far off.  Off I went walking poles in hand, I packed a jacket and umbrella just in case.  I ha just started to climb up the hill to Shotover when it began spitting.  

I think for me that's a good time
I was a quarter way up the hill when it began tipping it down.  I stood do a while and pondered what to do.  I could turn back and walk to the bus stop, I'd get to Oxford in plenty of time and I wouldn't be soaked!  But.....  I had wanted to walk to Oxford for quite a while now, the rain wasn't too heavy and had already started to slow down.  I decided to carry on.  

The hill is a killer, I've never made it up in one go and is the most difficult part of the walk.  It took me half hour to walk up it.  I will have to try it again to see if that is a good time or not.  I sent various messages to G.O and my family, "I'm walking to Oxford and want a shandy ready when I get there!" responses varied from "well we're off to town for an ice cream" from my papichen, "What you mean [sic]" from mamilein, I can't be any more specifc than that surely? and from G.O "can you bring the rug sack [sic]?"

I made it up and over the hill in one soggy and muddy piece.  I was sure G.O would have a spare jacket or something (Spoiler Alert - he didn't).  

On the decent I passed some stones, as I got closer I was able to read the sign.  "These 'Doggers' were formed before the ice age and are found all over Shotover."  I am glad I was alone because I found that hilarious, yes, I have the mind of a teenage boy.
Quicker than apple maps

The rest of the walk wasn't particularly interesting, it was a slog and the closer I got to Oxford the more tourists who would just stop in front of me.  i wanted to shout "I've just walked a quarter marathon, move it!"  But that just doesn't sound that impressive.  

After 1.48minish I arrived at the pub and the first order of business, rehydration, I knew what I needed it just wasn't what I wanted.  I downed a pint of milk.   To celebrate G.O took me to Byron Burgers, which just serves the most amazing burgers and chips, perfect! We did make it to the street fair, but we were too full to even think about food! 

Did I walk home again that is the question?

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