Sunday, 14 September 2014

What a week

I have been receiving lots of messages and emails from some of the lovely people at the little village school (lvs).  It's lovely that they haven't forgotten me, it makes me miss them though.

I had a nice and very busy week at the catholic school. It is such a friendly school, I was eating my lunch on Thursday when the head sat next to me at the table. In the lvs that always meant I was in trouble for something.  

"How has your week been?  I was wondering if you had made any future plans because I would be happy for you to stay."  I have only been at the school a week and they have offered me a job. As flattered as I am, I am supply teaching to reduce my stress levels and I can't put myself in that position again, so I had to decline.  Although it is reassuring to know that I am doing a good job and that it has been noticed.

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