Friday, 1 November 2013

And here we go...

It was decided that we start a cycle of the drug Clomid which is supposed to stimulate ovulation.  The side affects of it though, and increase in cyst on your ovaries meant I would need to be closely monitored, we began by forcing a bleed with progesteron and then on day one of my cycle I would I would take Clomid to stimulate the ovaries to release an egg, and call the hospital to book my scan. 
And so began a seven month cycle of Clomid, metformin and scans.  In my opinion the scans were taken too early, they were at around day 7 which in a 'normal' cycle of 27 days would be the perfect time, but for me who has now got a cycle that is averaging about 35-40 days it was too early and only once did we seen signs of a follicle.  That was due to the fact that I had 'late' scan.
During all of this I was having some issues at work, I teach in a little village school, every school and every teacher in the country at the moment is having issues.  My issues were becoming all consuming and I had gone from a confident, good teacher to a shell of my former self, and someone who just didn't have the love for it anymore.  It was a case of 'you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't' So I began not to bother. 
It was during a scan that I unloaded all of this pressure onto my fantastic nurse Julia, and the first thing she told me was that stress is a major inhibitor to fertility and that I should seriously think about either changing jobs or reducing my hours.

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