Sunday, 6 June 2021

Gingerbread Familia - Juni 2021

Here’s something I’d never thought I’d say on the phone to the NHS….

“I’m sorry can you give me a minute the neighbours cat is trying to eat our tadpoles.  I have to get rid of it or I’ll never hear the end of it.” 
The little sod had the gall to stand next to the “pond” and stare me down from the window so I threw my flip flop at it. 
Didn’t think the tadpoles would survive (have neglected them for weeks) never mind thrive. 
I didn’t think that I would try to save them from predators, who am I?
I just hope they don’t grow into a frog like one we found at the weekend. 
For context BB squealed the whole time he held the frog 🐸 , LB wasn’t phased and tried to squeeze it into his tiny viewing tub (have added a photo with a green fly for size) and I ran away.  All photos taken up close by the Ginger One our bug hunter extraordinaire.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...