I have heard this comment quite a few times since we announced we were becoming foster carers.
It always makes me smile.
I have worked with children for over twenty years.
I have friends with children.
I know the havoc and destruction they cause.
I also know that things can be mended, repaired, fixed and if needs be replaced.
I have moved anything of sentimental value, have a cupboard full of fabric cleaning spray.
I have accepted that at the weekend, in the holidays and for a few hours every evening I live in a pigsty (I don't mind mess but can't abide dirt, just to be clear).
I love that on a grotty rainy day the boys feel so at home that they know they can rearrange the furniture, bring down their quilts and build a fort with the dining table.
They snuggle down with books, toys, laptops and snacks and we don’t see them for hours.
Come tea time we all rearrange the furniture or eat on the couch.
This is childhood.
This is what they need.
This is what I signed up for.