Sunday, 28 March 2021

Gingerbread Life - Marz 2021

They're here, let the battle begin….

Following the plan set up by everyone else (social workers ours and theirs, school, and previous carer) we had a schedule to follow to meet the boys and then get them ready to move in. 

We began with a lunch, with some crafting, one Sunday afternoon, followed by a walk around a local reservoir.  I began how I intend to go on, strict rules and when LSR tried to run away I called him back and made him hold my hand while we chatted and walked. He wasn't happy but I had already stamped my authority.   JJR was keen to show us how quick, strong, fast he was by running up and down "I am so fit"!  

A few days later they had an overnight stay; their carer dropped them off.  She has given me a schedule that she follows that she says works for both boys.  I will use it initially but will quickly make my own schedule.  She has very strong opinions of the boys ( both positive and negative) but like when I get a new class, I will take everything with a pinch of salt.  She and her husband have worked hard to help the boys to settles into a routine but from what I can already see there was a definite lack of nurture which all children need.   After they were dropped off we went to the local park and had tea some pasta bake, "this is very crunchy"!  came the comment from LSR, I wonder if we will get on.  

Move In Day

After the chaos of arrival and sorting out all of their bits and pieces we decided to have a bit of time together to build a bond, playing Mario Kart, we couldn’t find the controllers which made LSR quite angry, this is going to be a long day. He is quickly trying to make his mark and push boundaries but I am not here to be used a punching bag, so we had a very quick chat about rules and expectations. Our SW has said we don't need too many rules but I disagree, and have told her this. I would rather start with too many rules that can be eased/removed over time, rather than being too lenient initially, which will cause no end of issues. Our rules are more about being decent people rather than controlling the children, every behaviour or action both positive or negative will have a consequence it may be that they gain knowledge/skills/treats/time in or lose time/priviledges/relationships but we will hold them accountable for their actions. This isn't going to be easy but we will see how we do.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Gingerbread Travel - Marz 2021

Oh it's alright, I’ll walk, just down the road....

I dropped the car off at the garage and I couldn't get the train/bus timings to work so I decided to walk home, as GO was at work I was on my own all day anyway.  

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Gingerbread Love - März 21

The GO has always been overweight (who isn’t?), pleasantly plump but being furloughed and not leaving the house meant he gained a few lockdown pounds, didn’t we all?  When he began working at Amazon he was getting up early, walking loads and not eating so without even trying the weight just dropped off.  Not just the Lockdown weight, he lost more and more until he was unrecognisable.  He is determined to keep it up when/if he returns to work.  Just in case I had to share this, he wouldn’t believe me when I said he was looking skinnier.  I am so proud of how hard he has worked to get healthier. “I just eat less and move more.” Words to live by.  Although now I’m a SAHM I wonder how long I can keep up a healthy lifestyle….


Monday, 1 March 2021

Gingerbread Familia - Marz 2021

I’m not going to lie I am scared, like insane out of my mind filled with anxiety and worry.  

I searched their mum’s name and found some photos of them and they look like hooligans.  
Can I do this? 
They move in on Friday and I’m not ready.  
We had them over for tea on Sunday and I’ve already had to use my stern teacher voice. 
I can’t do this… 
Questions I’ve asked myself;
Are we ready for this?
Can we handle big kids?
Are they big kids?
What if they hurt us?
What if we hurt them?
What if they hurt each other?
What if they run away?
What if they hate living with us?
Are we ready?
Can we do this?
Will we regret this?
Are we ready?
What if we don’t get on?
We have to this…..

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...