Friday, 25 September 2020

Gingerbread Haus - September 2020 πŸΏπŸ¦”πŸ

It’s Time To Herbstify

“And all at once summer collapsed into fall.” Oscar Wilde

Well I thought it was time to “Herbstify” the living room, I love layering up the sofa with cushions and throws,  the  and watching a Hallmark movie or two.  Although Ginger One always calls them “girlie flicks” which sounds wrong.  It’s nice to be snuggling up after spending so much time outside and in the garden. 

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Gingerbread Travel - September 2020

Finding Balance

While it is important to stay safe in these weird and worrisome times, we also want to continue to live our lives as best we can.  We realised that We had been hibernating and hadn’t actually done anything fun or nice in quite a while.  Even a short walk to the local Park was a thing of the past.  

Friday, 11 September 2020

Gingerbread Familia - September 2020

Home Styling - Fostering Edit

We were asked to send photos of ourselves and the house to the FA so they can put them into our profile.  It was quite a specific list, I wanted to take styled, Instaworthy pictures but GO said “just use the real estate photos.”  This got me thinking about how much some parts of the house has changed, would the old residents approve?  Has it actually changed that much? 

One photo requested, probably the most important was the photo of the child’s bedroom (is this real?). We sent the photo above, I had taken it to share on social media but never had.  We were asked to take another with all of the personal bits in.  It makes sense now, what traumatised child wants to walk into a room with a SMILE cushion on the bed?  Between this photo being taken and the one we sent GO had sold both of the singles beds (we got them for free on Facebook) as there was a strange, musty smell coming from them, and had bought a more solid white bed.  He had also decided to paint the drawers as he said they were too yellow. The new picture show a neutral room, a blank space to add to a place a child can make their own, for how ever long they need it.

Saturday, 5 September 2020

Gingerbread Life - September 2020

Back to school

Well it’s the night every teacher dreads, even those that love their jobs (myself included).  The night before we return to school for the new academic year.  I was once told by a colleague, who is quite upbeat and positive, that she calls it Suicide Sunday (a bit of an over exaggeration I think).  As we all know (if you don’t we’re in the midst of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC) it’s been a strange all year and most of the children have been at home since March. My school has a high proportion of children/parents who didn’t access any of the online learning provided for them.  I’m not looking forward to returning as I have been moved to the Nursery, one of the two “new” reception teachers is pregnant and has been replaced by a supply teacher and the other teacher is also an NQT.  I feel like I will be expected to work alongside them while trying to work out how to be in Nursery.  I had mentioned to the leaders that I was planning to move on, just before lockdown, so wonder whether that is the reason I have been moved.  I’m going to try to stay positive, keep my head up and hope for the best.

Can we keep it up?

“I’m leaving school now do you want to meet me for a coffee and a walk?”  It was a spur of the moment decision, after a busy day at school I left at a reasonable hour, which meant I got home at a decent time.  On a whim I called GO and arranged to go for an evening stroll, we picked up a coffee and made our way around the reservoir.  In Lockdown/Summer we would go for a daily walk, sometimes we went after tea and it was lovely. I felt like there was more to life than just working, eating and sleeping, we weren’t just waiting for the weekends. It would be lovely to think that we can keep it up, I don’t hold out much hope.  Once work kicks into high gear I am not sure I will be able to sustain this, so we’re making the most of it while we have it.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...