Friday, 22 May 2020

Gingerbread Life - Mai 2020

We Will Remember Them

Today we will remember them, our thoughts are with them, their families and loved ones and all of those affected. I will never forget hearing the news.  How devastated I was, how devastated and shocked everyone was. People I know were there.  People I know, knew people who were there.  Families were shattered, lives were forever changed, loves were lost they will not be forgotten.  The world will not and cannot be the same.

22-05-2017, Manchester’s 22 Angels

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Gingerbread Familia - Mai 2020

Happy Mutter Tag

I feel like I should be saying it’s a strange one but for us it’s normal to only see each on Skype and to pass greetings via social media or text messages it’s how we have lived our lives for over twenty years.  For the last 9 we’ve been living in three countries always apart but always together in our hearts.  

Happy Mother’s Day to the funniest, weirdest, feistiest and lovely mother’s I know.  She is great at her job (mumming) and has, “even if I say so myself” done a wonderful job of raising two decent human beings.  Lovely you lots Mamilein.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Gingerbread Haus - Mai 2020

We are massive Marvel fans, it’s not something that we introduced each other to it’s something that we discovered together.  One thing we always said is we’d love to have the time to watch all of the movies in chronological order.  Well, now we have the time, we will not do it in one sitting but will spend weekends making our way through them all.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...