Sunday, 21 April 2019

Easter Guff

I’ve had so much fun decorating the house ready for Easter and dressing it in pale yellow, turquoise and greens.  I may have to have a colour scheme for each season.  Does that sound to pretentious?  Ah who cares it’s my house. 

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Frohe Ostern

Easter is a two week break for me but only one for GO (don’t feel sorry for him he gets three weeks for Christmas) and traditionally we go away the my first his second week, then I visit my parents. This year as we have purchased a house we decided to enjoy it and make the most for having our own space.  Something we are still getting used to.  We/I planned a luscious three course meal and made the day a real celebration.  

Here’s to many more celebrations to come.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...