Thursday, 31 May 2018

What I wanted to say vs what I actually said


I was thinking about you today and thought I’d drop you a quick message to see how you are and to apologise for being a pants friend.  I can’t make any excuse for my behaviour although the past couple of years have been a bit of a roller coaster.  I’ll try to catch you up without boring you. 

After deciding to relocate GO and I moved in with his parents and it was as awful as you can imagine.  Rather than save up for a deposit, which had been the plan we spent all our money on storing our belongings and going out.  Well we couldn’t stay in.  After three months we’d had enough and moved into a rented house.  Still there as a matter of fact, it’s nice enough, just not ours.  

We’d pretty much given up on having our own baby so decided to start adoption proceedings.  long story short, it was hard.  Not the children have issues part, the filling in forms (60 page document), getting medicals, finding obscure paperwork from my two minute trip to India.  We also hadn’t really had a chance to settle into our house, jobs, brand new lives.  So we struggled and last year, we decided to pause the adoption process, for now.  It wasn’t an easy decision.  Nothing has been easy, I skim over it because it’s easier to be flippant than to face the reality.  We may be childless.  

On top of all of this I have had to deal with side effects of the condition that makes me infertile. PCOS, it’s a lovely little condition that has a major effect on all parts of my body, google it it’s a cracker.

I can/have/do live with the physical effects but the mental aspects have been tougher.   It causes anxiety and depression, this has been new to me.  Not helped by the people who have said but you are always laughing and happy.  You are the life and soul of the party.  This is true but it doesn’t help me, it makes me feel worse, like I have to prove that I feel like crap.  Most days I fight to get up, go to work and put on the show.  Every evening I collapse on the sofa in a mess, unable to move or speak.  So hard it is to act normal.  To make matters worse, the job I currently is so pressured that even a healthy individual would struggle mentally to cope.

Wow, this has become quite a ramble, I really only wanted to say hi and catch you up, but instead I’ve off loaded, sorry.

Hope you are all well, we’re good,  we should try to get together soon if you are in the neighbourhood.

P.S Did I say I think I’m lonely? 

What I actually sent;


I was thinking about you today and thought I’d drop you a quick message to see how you are and to apologise for being a pants friend.  I can’t make any excuse for my behaviour although the past couple of years have been a bit of a roller coaster.  I’d try to catch you up but I’m afraid if bore you.  😂

So long May

You were a blast, as always.

Monday, 28 May 2018

Vintageness Overload

The East Lancs Railway was having a roaring fifties weekend, I pulled on a little Lindy Bop dress and we headed over.

Salute, sort of.
A nice looking black car with its top down (I want listening). I did say with great confidence to the owner “oh, it has shiny wheels!”
Twinning with Germany, again...
Pagoda selfie
Ooh a sweet shoppe
With dangerous milkshakes
That have candy floss!!! 
We really shouldn’t but, they are so yummy.
All from the Temperance bar in Rawtenstall.


Making friends

I will always call it Rossendorf from now on!

We can do healthy

My new favourite is overnight oats, they so simple and good for you.  To top up the health benefits I use coconut yoghurt and oat milk.  Love food that makes me feel good about myself.

Catching up

Friday, 18 May 2018

UK in the USA

My US sinlaw has got up at 4am to serve up an English Tea for breakfast, which BBro has called “a delight”.  Personally as excited as I am, I don’t think I would wake up at 5am to make tea and scones.  Well done you guys, you nutters. 

Bring on the bride

The food is ready, we’ve seen the cast of Suits arrive (which I had found rather exciting) and I have dug out my fascinator now bring on the bride.

Hobnobbing with the great and good

While I answered a call of nature GO took photos of things I was missing 

Thursday, 17 May 2018

I have been remiss or is that amiss? Oh heck, I’ve been away for a while

I could blame stress (true) or the fact that I’m busy (so true) or that I am totally exhausted mentally and physically (bang on) but the truth is I have been so engrossed in watching Friends on Netflix that I haven’t had time for anything else.  My apologies, I will catch you up soon.  Nothing too exciting just bits and bobs.  

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day tomthe lady who has always been slightly crazier than me.  Ich Liebe Dich 

Friday, 11 May 2018

Life is a cabaret

“We’re in Blackpool till Sunday do you want to meet up?”  GO’s auntie from Australia and his cousin were over for a visit.  We arranged to meet them on Old Tom’s Cabin, now called Ma Kelly’s Showboat.  It was a newly refurbished (to the cost of a million £s) and very camp, each table has a touch lamp that when it turns red called a server over, meaning we didn’t have to leave our tables.

Most tables were partaking in G&T’s the new ‘in’ drink, so long Prosecco, I on the other hand was loving my new favourite drink Ale Shandy.  It so nice and tasty.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...