Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Needing positive thoughts

Oh no!

Today I found a lump on my right breast, it's a small lump, it's a blue lump it is most definitely a lump.  I had never noticed it before, I am worried.  I will make an appointment at the GP and see what happens. I am trying to think positive thoughts, but.....

Scarborough Sightseeing

We had a lovely time in Scarborough today walking through the town and along the seaside before taking the avuncular railway back up to the car park.  As we strolled along the little lanes and side streets past quirky shops and arts and craft stalls it made me think of Brighton.  The seafront was heaving as it was one of the hottest days of the year, everyone was in high spirits.  We managed a spot of sun batheing on the quayside, which was very empty.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

I got a hammock

 I got me a hammock and I relaxed in it for about twenty seconds before GO told me to get out, there was a ban on tying anything to the trees in our campsite and as we were the only people there we couldn't hide the fact the any damage to the bark would be caused by us.  But I now have a hammock and I will use it as much as possible.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Throwback to Me

It was the day after a huge house party and I wasn't feeling good but I had arranged to meet up with a colleague and go for a cheesy photo shoot.  I took GO along for moral support (he went to a nearby pub to watch the footie).  I was made up and had my hair fluffed but basically it was me, well the Saturday night version of me anyway.  I only intended to buy one or two photos, but they all turned out so well I bought them all.  Looking back now nearly ten years later I'm glad I did it, honestly I don't think I look too bad (yes I am fishing for compliments).




Trail n Rail

GO has caught the bug, he liked to spend his free time outside, walking, this is something I have always enjoyed and have made GO tag along.  I could never tell whether he was happy or just doing it to keep me quiet.  Well I now know that he enjoys it.  Checking out his local activities app he mentioned something about a walk, "by that park you liked". I wasn't paying attention, I was distracted.  A few weeks later I was asked at work what I was doing at the weekend and a big red flag flashed in front of my eyes.  I knew we were walking, I vaguely recalled something along the lines of Bolton to Ramsbottom.  This didn't sound like a good idea, I was still breaking my new boots in.  I was afraid.
It turns out the trail was from Bury Bolton Street station to Ramsbottom a much more manageable 5miles. There were a lot of people, all kitted out for a proper hike.  I whispered to GO that we'd be in the back and we'd just stroll along.  GO had different ideas, we set of in the lead pack and stayed up front for the entire trail.  It's funny how fast you walk when you are not gossiping. Many people came and went but we were the only two to remain in the lead pack the whole way and for that I am so proud of us.  Even the "hard part" was quite easy, the hills of Tod have cracked me.  The best part was the free steam train ride back to the car at the end.




Sunday, 28 May 2017

We're going on a trip

Spring bank half term used to consist of me sat on the sofa writing reports while GO worked.  Last year he was recovering from dental surgery so we didn't do anything.  This year we purchased a new (to us) tent and picked a place to visit.  We couldn't decide between Bamburgh or Whitby. Eventually after much umming and ahhing we decided to visit Whitby, this is Yorkshire you aren't always guaranteed great weather and we knew we could be home in a couple of hours.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Suits you

I went to pick GO up from the optician a few weeks ago, while I was waiting I tried in a few glasses and liked what they had.  On the spot I decided to book an appointment myself.  The day came and I felt yucky so I postponed it for the following week.  I hopped on the train and strolled through the park before arriving early. I apologised and said I could wait but they jiggled things around so I could been seen quicker.  As I sat in the chair the optometrist asked me my age and said that as I was 40 I would need extra tests.  I had the usual tests, plus a glaucoma test that instead of blowing air into your eye you have drops put in that turn your tears orange.  He warned it might smart a bit but wouldn't last too long.  It stung like a beeyatch.  Then I had to have my
Peripheral vision checked I sat with my face in a huge white bowl wearing and eye patch and each time I saw a light I had to click a button.  It took a while to get used to it and I am sure that I clicked a few times when there was nothing there.  After about forty minutes I was told that my vision was still pretty much the same and was allowed to choose some new spectacles.




I'm not telling which ones I picked but they matched my picky criteria exactly.  Rectangular, brown with springy arms.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017


It started with one  file being unavailable by the end  of the weekend I had lost hundreds of photos, videos an  music files.  I'm not sure what happened, online advice  range  from virus (possibly) to damaged hard drive (most likely) whatever  reason I was devastated.  I managed  the files to the computer and have found lots  of missing photos on here and Facebook.

We got the call

"Meeting in the hub at half twelve."  In a school, in my experience, that can only mean death or Ofsted.  Well it was the latter.  This was my first time teaching in KS1 during a visit, and it wasn't a great experience.  I went from teaching 15 children English and Maths to having the whole class.  Half of whom I knew nothing about.  I was advised to teach money, it was a disaster.  The "dephe" apologised and said that I had been failed by the school leaders, which made me feel a bit better.  My confidence this year has taken a battering but unlike in 2014 when I took this very personally, I know it's not me.  I have had quite a year and it has been one heck of a learning curve but I feel confident in my abilities as a teacher.  Although I still lose it when I'm being observed.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

You can't scare us we camp

I found a secluded campsite about five miles from Whitby called Lady Grove, when we arrived it turned out it was a camper campsite but as we had a small tent they allowed us to stay.  We had never actually put the tent up, we had mentioned trying it first but never got round to it.  Schoolboy error!  I told GO to back our old tent "just in case".  It turns out the tent was fine and quite simple to erecting, one of the post had snapped (probably why it was such a bargain) but as we had our old tent  we just used one of its poles.  
The site was immaculate, and we were the only people there.  It was in a woodland area (mental note for the future Wood + Northern England+Night=Midgies)

Monday, 1 May 2017


Doesn't he look dapper?

End of term party for GO's work (albeit slightly late), a meal out then casino lessons in Mnanchester.  While was snuggled on the sofa watching most haunted he was out enjoying himself, he's worth it.  He disappeared late  afternoon and can down ready ad I have to say he does scrub up well, although I am biased.

Paper Pregnancy Paused

Corrina and I have talked about the points discussed last week and have to agreed that at this moment in time a pause in the process will be a good idea.  It will give us a chance to get things organised and feel more settled.  We are in no rush to start a family and at times in this process and at time felt quite pressurised.  What do we have to do now?  How will we go about restarting the process?   

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...