Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The Pendle Witches

In 1612 the case of the Pendle Witches culminated in four people being hanged for witchcraft in Lancaster castle.  The story goes, so I've been told, that there were two families at war with each other. Both families had lost the head of the household and were run by their matriarchs.  The families were destitute and took to begging in the streets of Colne.  One day one of the young girls was propositioned by a local man, when she refused him he cursed her and started to accuse her of unspeakable things.  Being the hot headed girl that she was, she cursed him and his family.  The man, clutched at this chest and fell to the ground, he was unconscious, when he was revived he was said to be speaking in tongues.  The reality is he probably had some sort of stroke, but in 1912 this was enough to convince the townsfolk that the girl and her family were witches!  The story goes that the twelve witches, form both families and a local lady were marched from Colne to Lancaster over hill and dale for their trial. 

The Meeting at Malkin Tower

The names of the Witches at the Great Assembly and Feast at Malkin Tower, on Good Friday in 1612:
  • Elizabeth Device
  • Alice Nutter
  • Katherine Hewitt alias Mould-heels
  • John Bulcock
  • Jane Bulcock
  • Alice Gray of Padiham
  • Jennet Hargraves
  • Elizabeth Hargraves
  • Christopher Howgate
  • Christopher Hargraves son of Demdike
  • Grace Hay of Padiham
  • Anne Crunckshey of Marsden
  • Elizabeth Howgate
  • Jennet Preston Executed at York for the murder of Mr. Lister.
With many more, which being bound over to appear at the last assizes, are since that time fled to save themselves.
From Discovery of Witches, 1613
Thomas Potts (clerk of the court).

Monday, 28 March 2016


I couldn't stand being in, I needed to get out.  I had skyped everyone and during the various conversations I decided that we would go to the cinema.  I wasn't even sure if it would be open on Easter Sunday.  We couldn't choose between Greek Wedding 2 and the new Disney film.  GO wasn't keen on a romcom so Zootropolis it was.  I didn't really know what is was about, I knew there was a sloth.  Honestly I thought the sloth was going to be the main character, so when a bunny decided to become a police officer I knew I didn't have a clue.  It was slow to start, so far so Disney.  Then she moved to the Big Smoke and it all changed.  It was such a hilarious film, so many adult jokes and references I can't believe they got away with it. They even had a skit based on a famous Netflix show.  

I loved it!  So do GO, so much so he keeps watching clips on YouTube.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Facebook Challenge

I was invited to take part in another Facebook Challenge recently.  Normally I just ignore but this was a photo challenge.  Over the course of seven days I was asked to post my favourite landscape/natural world photos.  My seven photos were;

Day 1
I dropped GO off at his new work for a trial day.  It was ridiculously early for a Saturday, as I turned back to go into town I saw the most stunning sunrise over the Calder valley.  It was the moment I chose to take part in the challenge.

Day 2
Although this was my second day photo I actually took it on the Saturday.  It was a photo taken on the Bacup Road and it made me chuckle and recently I have been taking public transport and have had to queue many a time.  

Day 3 
Was a throwback photo of Penn's Caves we went to visit my brother in Pennsylvania.  It was taken with a long range lense and I was so excited that I had captured this shot on my own, there are no touch ups at all.

Day 4 
Was a photo taken recently on a trip to Blackpool, it a great photo enhanced later with adjustments made to the saturation and filter used, to amp up the moodiness.  I love it and use it As My desktop wallpaper.

Day 5
A walk around the reservoir took an unexpected twist when we got caught in a low flying cloud.  Again it took on a moody and very eerie feel.

Day 6
Another throwback this time to our Scandinavin Summer road trip.  We pulled into a service station/art gallery/abandoned motel, this shining had nothing on this place.  And while looking around we heard the river, it was hard to miss to be fair. We followed it snapped this piccie it is again a favourite and sums up holiday, wild, rocky and off the beaten track.

Day 7 
On the way home from my new school I get stuck in so many roadworks it can take me two hours to do a thirty minute journey.  I have now found another way, it
Should in theory take me longer but as it
Is relatively quiet I am on the move and get back in forty minutes.  It takes me
past some stunning scenery and over the tops. This is a viaduct I hoe to visit one day.

By day 8 I had enjoyed looking through all my old and new photos that not only could I not stop but I also couldn't choose.  So as my swan song I posted a summer's day in Oxfordshire, a wintry day in Bünde wonderland and a painting I did of the Rocky Mountains in Canada.

And one that didn't make it, sunrise over the Grand Canyon.

We're moving out!!!

We had planned to move into a little cottage in a village called Littleborough.  It was a small cottage with two bedrooms and it was just across the road from the train station. We were very excited, but for weeks nothing seemed to come of it.  Finlaw had done some work for the landlord.  

He came back one evening and said that he has something to show us.  He said he'd pay our bond and the first months rent.  We (I'm) so hard to live with he'd rather spent £900 to get rid of us.  GO was a bit concerned as he was still a Jobbing chef.  We decided to go for it.  It would save us money in the long run as we wouldn't have to go out all the time.  

Then just as my patience was wearing v-e-r-y thin, (I don't cook but I broke the oven) Finlaw got work painting another house, that was up for rent.  A four bedroom and over £100 more rent a month. We did the maths, once GO start his proper job I'd be getting the train. 

Travelling to school from the little cottage would cost an extra £50 a week because it crosses the county border. So by taking the bigger house we save money.  We decided to for it, again Finlaw would pay the bond and first months rent. 
We filled out forms, paid admin fees, bought some bits and pieces and waited and waited and waited.  The estate agent work at a slow pace.   

Then on Easter Sunday Finlaw dropped a bombshell, they wanted us out by the next Sunday.  They were going on holiday and wanted us out so they could pack.  This in theory was fine but as no paper work have been played officially, I couldn't understand how that could make such a decision.  The landlady had said we could drop things off as soon as the carpets were laid, that doesn't mean we could move in and squat!  

Tuesday morning after Easter arrived and GO, Finlaw and I trundle off to the estate agents to check how things are going, and to pay the bond.   We're still waiting for the references to come back said the little lamb behind the desk.  She is very meek and mild I don't know how she copes in a busy estate agents.  Finlaw is now at a loss, what can he do with us?  And the waiting continues...

Mega Bus and a Half

 For When the uni girls began organising a get together at the back of my mind two voices could be heard "you can't drive all that way" and "the train gets more expensive the closet the day gets". But as usual I procrastinated until the cost of a standard return ticket on the train was over £120.  It was the day before I was due to go down when inspiration struck, years ago I had gone to a school reunion in Manchester (don't ask - flop, I knew no one there) and I had, again, left sorting out my transport to the last minute.  In those days I was still hanging on to student life by the skin of my teeth and so budget was everything.  If I could get a bargain I didn't care how much I'd have to suffer.  Alright, I haven't changed that much.  Anyhoo to get to my reunion I took a bus called the Megabus, it boast no frills coaches to destinations all over the country. It was clean and it got me there what more could you ask?

I checked to see whether Megabus still existed, I hadn't needed it for years so who knew.  Not only was it still in action I could get a return ticket to London for £26.  The coach would take about four and a half hours, which I didn't mind, I'd set off at nine and arrive at half one, with still plenty of time to play.  The only error I made was not finding out where the  coach stop was.  I waited five minutes for a tram to take me to the Shudehill interchange, it turned out to be the next stop and was only a two minute walk away.

Solo Date Night

I am aware that funds are low, debts are high(ish) and we are about to add to our load but I deserve a treat.  I have worked hard to get things sorted (on the surface everything was organised, just scratch the top and it was a mess) and I haven't been able to relax and be myself in weeks.  I wanted to treat GO to a night at the cinema and a meal at our favourite reataurant, but he's working so I made the decision to take myself out.  I bought a few new books, and took myself to the restaurant and it was fantastic.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...