Monday, 29 February 2016

February has gone by in the blink of an eye

I can't believe it's nearly March.  We have had an eventful February. We spent every moment sending off application forms, visiting agencies or even attending an employment fair. Now after weeks of uncertainty GO has a job, he works as a relief chef, pubs, foutball clubs and even nurseries, he has a four week placement. While he has been job hunting he has taken on the role of house husband.  While I've been at work bring in the little bucks, he's been cleaning, washing, doing the laundry and cooking.  I do love him and wouldn't change him for the world, even if he is a little too laid back at times ;-)).

I have started settling into school and getting into a routine has been a god send. I leave the house at 6.30 am and get back at between five and six pm.  It keeps me out of mischief and I love being back in year one. I've been doing lots of things to get ready for school like going to the Manchester Chinese New Year to find resources.  I was asked recently whether I would consider applying for the permanent position, although I like the school the commute is such a pain.  The villages I drive through were all badly affected by the Boxing Day floods and are still trying to recover, traffic through them goes at a snails pace.  I can't make a decision until we know where GO needs to be based.  

GO likes the look of Chesire as it has National Trust properties in the vicinity. I like the countryside around this part of the world it is so dramatic, but I do like the idea of being close to Manchester and all it has to offer.

Half term was a whirlwind, we tried to keep busy, I had hoped to go into school to organise things.  As GO wasn't at work we spent the time together, job hunting, house hunting (I need to move out) and just generally getting to know the area.


Go is getting fed up of me, I keep seeing little brown signs everywhere and make him go exploring.
Above Burnley in the hills of the Penines is a sculpture called the Panopticon.  It is part of a series all over the Penines to celebrate the area.  
There is another sculpture called the Halo that I want to visit too.  The Panopticon is a series of pipes of different length positioned on top of each other at varying angles that are supposed to catch the wind and make tuneful sounds.
All we heard were lots of children shouting to each other.  Not exactly tuneful.
It was very bitter at the hilltop but the views were worth it, it was a clear day and you could see for miles.
We'll definitely visit again, Mamilein has already said she wants to go.

Bored on the playground

Still getting used to having to do playground duty.  There are three adults on duty, two a TA's and a teacher.  It involves wandering around keeping an on the children and making sure that everyone is behaving themselves.  It was on a beautiful, sunny day that I stopped to help Ruby tie her shoe, then I spoke to Violet who was complaining about something Scarlett had done.  It got me thinking about all the girl's names that are also colours.

Ruby - red

Scarlett - red

Violet - purple

Jade - green

Ebony - black

Ivory - white

Rose - pink

Lilac - purple

Saffron - yellow

Ginger - orange

Sienna - brown

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Can you spot Papichen?

Top of the World Ma - Fat Girl Walking

One thing I've wanted to do since I started walking last year was to walk up a mountain.  I'm not deluded I know I need to work up to it and until now my only bit of practise was Ladder Hill in Wheatley.  Today GO and I did out first moor walk, it wasn't a long one.  We had no equipment (it was all in the car), we just wanted to get out and blow away the cobwebs.   

We walked along the canal that led to the reservoir, Saddle worth Moor.  I wanted to walk to the highest peak, but soon realised that would require a longer walk and I needed to get back to Skype the familam.
GO and I decided to walk for thirty minutes as far as we could get and then turn back.  It would be an hours walk, we wouldn't get lost if we kept the canal on our right hand side.

This was really useful for keeping a track of where we were but I spent most of the walk needing a pee.  It was ok for GO who took a "hedge ticket" when his bladder got to full I just had to hold it.

We're planning to walk the moor again, this time preparing for a longer hike, bringing food and perhaps shelter, and making a day of it.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

My green babies don't miss me

I got a lovely gift from Troy when I left my London school in 2009, a plant, I am not green fingered at all and I wasn't expecting much.
Six and a half years later Troy (I had to name him after the boy) was not only still alive he was thriving on neglect.  I felt proud of myself. 
Until Mamilein sent me a picture of Troy and Cooper (acquired from a boy called Cooper in 2013), I had had to leave them with my parents as we were between places.  The boys both look amazing and so very healthy, annoyingly.

Rufford Old Hall & Southport

Half term is a chance to relax and recuperate, usually.  Not this time, we had to keep ourselves out of the way.  We couldn't stay in and so we decided to check some local national trust properties.
There are a couple of properties nearby but as it was out of season they were all closed.  We found a couple further afield, I asked GO which he preferred and we headed to Southport and Rufford Hall.  Not only as it open it had a half term event on. 
They had laid the main hall out as if for a Tudor banquet.
There was food, outfits and entertainment all to set the scene.  We were able to feel how heavy the dresses worn by the ladies were.  There was a bread kneading station and everything was permeated by the smell of the fire that was roaring away in the great hall.
As National Trust members we are used to the grandeur of stately homes like Waddeson and Stoke Park.  
What I have noticed about the properties up here is that are all quite dark and Tudor. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but occasionally the gloominess can feel quote intimidating and, dare I say, spooky.

Monday, 15 February 2016


It's been a while since I've had a GO clanger to share.  While watching the one show, an article about see life and lobsters in particular. GO turned to me and said "what kind of life do they have, I mean lobsters don't have any hobbies do they?"  What can you say to that!  I just laughed, a lot.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Up up and away

I had dropped GO off at work at the stadium and I had nothing to do until he finished, what to do?  What to do?
I decided to go to church, but it was eight in the morning and most services started at ten.
I drove around and thought about visiting a National Trust property, but they weren't open either.  It was at that moment that I saw a sign for the airport.
The airport is always open I could wander around there for a while before finding a church.  The closer I got to the airport the more often I saw diverts for the Runway Visitors Centre.  Intrigued I decided to have a look, see.
It turned out to be a plane spotters paradise.  Just off the main runway they had installed three and a half jets that you could go on, stand beside and photograph (check, check, check) and they also had three observation deck from where you could watch planes land, take off and taxi.
I paid for my parking/entrance fee of £3 and began exploring.  After a pit stop at the ladies I found the customer services desk.  They lady explained that you were able to look at one plane on your own but if you wanted to do onto the others you would need to pay for a guide.  I declined the offer.  "If you want to go on Concorde the next group is at eleven."  
Concorde? It turns out that the big white tent I had presumed was just a large canteen actually held Concorde and for £6 you could go on her.  Tempted as I was I had places to be.  It was an interesting pace, who knows maybe one day I'll go back with someone else.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

CNY and a piano recital - just an average Saturday in my world

We decided/were told, that the last week we should cover Chinese New Year.  I was happy to teach this as I know the story very well.  I quickly discovered that the entire school was doing to same thing and so resources were limited.  
I decided to go to the Manchester City Chinese New Year Celebrations.  I had checked on line and found out that there would be lots of activites. I was sure I'd be able to pick up some bits and pieces.
Mother Nature was not on my side, the heavens opened and didn't shut.  It was tipping it down.  I walked to the station hopped on the train and set off for my first ever solo trip to Manchester.
I wandered around trying to find things that I could use at school.  Unfortunately pretty much everything was either rained off or squeezed so tightly into a gazebo I couldn't get a look in.
I took shelter in a nearby church, I lit a candle for my family and friends and say behind the radiator.  "Are you here for the recital?"  
"I'm, well... I we..."  Should I tell the truth, that I was just drying off or should I lie in the house of God?  "If that's ok, I would love to". Not quite a lie, but not exactly part of my plan.   So began an hour of the most amazing piano recital I have ever heard (not that I have much experience outside of ten year olds playing happy birthday on a loop).  The two pianist A young Chinese man and a Spanish girl both played incredibly well for six to ten minutes each.  Neither used any sheet music and neither, as far as I could tell made any mistakes.  After they had both finished I was able to grab them both and espress my admiration for their incredible talent.  I was truly blown away by them both and I must confess a tad jealous.

Monday, 1 February 2016

I've got a job!!

I was asked to do an afternoon in year a year four class in a school in Halifax.  
I googled it and found that it was an Outstanding school.  Nervous I turned up and was shown to my fellow year four teacher who gave me all of the planning. 
The first lesson, maths, went off without a hitch. The second was a bit of a muddle, half of the class had done the lesson before the others knew nothing about it.  
We muddled through and made it to home time, "you know miss you are very familiar". Said one of the boys, he thought about it and then said "I know you sound like Nanny Plum from Ben and Holly's Magic Kingdom.  
With a giggle I waved them all off and began marking.  I had to work out all of the answers before I could mark the books.  With a sense of achievement I went back to Tod.  
My teaching career "Oop North" had begun. I liked the school it seemed nice.  I thought nothing more of it.  
A few days passed and I received a phone call, the school needed a year one teacher to cover a mat leave until July, would I plan a maths lesson and have a bit of a chat?  I agreed.  
I was very, very nervous.  
I went online and asked the supply teachers network for suggestions, I had a plan, I only hoped it would be enough.  I carried out the lesson and had a chat, I wasn't confident.   "We'll have a chat and get In touch later, either way". Where have I heard that before?  I drove back to Tod and fifteen minutes later I got a call telling me that they loved me and wanted me to start that Thursday.   What a relief, just when I was convinced I would never get a job. 

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...