Monday, 30 March 2015

Zombie apocalypse

It's not what you expect to see when ou go shopping in Reading, but it's reassuring to know that they are there when the inevitable happens.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Wittenham Clumps

After spending the weekend with four of the loveliest people, including one stowaway.
I decided to make the most of the first days of spring by going for a walk.
After dropping of SB an JB at the train station.
I decided to go for a wander to the top of the Clumps, having heard the views were amazing, I wanted to check it out for myself.
After reaching the summit, I Skyped Mamilein and papichen but they were watching TV.
After walking into the valley and then back up again, I was starting to look the same colour as my jacket, RED!
I was definitely feeling the burn, as they say.  I had a chance to catch my breath in the many dens that had been built in the clearing.
It was worth though, the views were spectacular and with such a clear day, I could see for miles.  I could even make out the M40.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

My new BFF

I went to visit a very good, old friend Mrs F, who had recently given birth to a gorgeous little princess.

I have a soft spot for children (funny that being a teacher) but I don't always feel comfortable with babies, especially tiny babies.  It's a lack of experience.  

I am the visitor who hands the baby back at the first sign of a grizzle.  I spent the whole day with this Lovely little family, having hugs and kisses and was even able to get the Miss F to fall asleep, albeit for only fifteen minutes.  

It is one of my proudest achievements and has raised Miss F to be my favourite baby and my new BFF.  God bless you little one. xxx

Friday, 6 March 2015

Staying a little longer

So the little village school has asked me to stay until the end of the year. It's rather convuluted but the year three teacher can't return so the plan was for me to stay in EYFS and the new teacher to cover year three and learn the ropes in EYFS while I am there.  Let's see what happens.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Miss B Jr's 30!

It's my 30th celebrate with me.  I couldn't believe that Miss B Jr. was about to turn 30, there was no question that we'd celebrate too.
The plan was to get the Oxford Tube bus together, GO would get the bus in Oxford and would join at the park and ride, but that didn't work out because not only was every bus jammed, the driver didn't take cards and there wasn't a card machine in sight.  I would have to drive into the next village and get back.
So I made a snap decision to drive to Hillingdon and get onto the Underground from there, I would take a train to Marble Arch and meet GO there.
When we arrive at the pub, it was full, as usual but also it had a nice relaxe vibe.  It felt more like an Oxford bar rather than one in the centre of London.
The Birthday Girl was  in fine spirits, no thanks to all the people who bought her extra drinks with each trip to the bar.
It was after a chat that we realised we hadn't seen each other in almost a year.  It is shocking how quickly life is zooming by.
The end of the evening was a muddle of hugs, goodbyes, promises not leave it too long next time and quick dashes into burger bars, a everyone had forgotten to eat.  Nothing says cosmopolitan, like sitting on a bench outside Selfridges at eleven o'clock stuffing your face with burgers.  A good night wad had by all, the following morning is another story.

For the love of a Ginger One

You are the best friend I have ever had, you have seen me at my best and my worst and you are still here.  You are a wonderful,...